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Hi oloni, thank you so much for making a platform like this, it’s so appreciated , I’m in my early 20s and have never been in a relationship, I’ve had my fair share of nights out and some “experiences” but I’ve never gotten to know someone of the opposite for sex on a deep level for anything to even happen. I wasn’t worried about this until everyone kept asking me if I have a boyfriend yet and loads of people getting married. I know marriage is a while away but I can’t help noticing that people expect me to be in a relationship. I’m not in a complete rush to get all booed up but do you have any tips on helping me meet new people or ways to make myself more appealing to people, thank you so much p.s. The whole online dating thing freaks me out 🙁
13. April 2017
Thanks hun.
I would suggest you try a new weekend routine. So if you usually, party during the weekend, try attending a friendly gathering or different type of social event. Whatever you’re doing now change. Meet more new people, go to new places, make new friends and TRY online dating. There’s nothing scary about having a good ol swipe, even if it’s for fun! Sometimes people go online for the opp sex and have no clue that they’re doing so..e.g. on Twitter/Insta/FB. There’s also great apps to form friendships that you can download, don’t limit yourself.
Hi Oloni, I’m seeing this guy, we’ve been friends for a few years now and we have a lot of mutual friends, we socialise in the same circles on a daily basis. Recently we started hooking up and while we were having sex I’m sure he filmed me on his phone. I’m certain my face wasn’t in it and I don’t think he’ll use it maliciously for ‘revenge porn’ or anything like that but still. I’m pretty sure he filmed it. I don’t know how to approach the situation and I feel even if I ask him most likely he’ll lie and I can’t prove that he did. I just feel hurt and disrespected and just knowing that he has a recording doesn’t sit well with me. What should i do?
13. April 2017
Hey hun, so sorry you had to go through that. He never asked for your permission to record anything, regardless if your face wasn’t in it, he never had your consent. Have a conversation with him and let him know how you feel and explain that you wanted deleted. This has obviously made you uncomfortable, so I’d also advise you report it to the police. What he did, isn’t okay and you have every right to feel the way you do.
Hi Oloni, lately I feel like I haven’t been satisfying my man sexually so I decided to talk to him about it. He told me that I needed to step up my game. He’s my first and I’m not that experienced. What should I do ?
13. April 2017
Hey sweets these things happen but the best way to solve this is by communicating. So when he asked you to ‘step your game up’ ask in what way, would he like to try new positions? Try a fantasy? Dress up? Use toys? Have a conversation on what he’d like to experience with you.
Oloni, I keep going back to my ex for sex and he calls me to come by once in a while for some sex. Thing is he mistreated me when we were together and he ended things with me without any tangible reason. I still Love him but I don’t think I’d want him back because he would probably continue mistreating me. I have someone now that I’m not so into but he’s super good to me and I don’t want to let him go but Oloni my ex is still holding me on by a thin thread and I can’t help myself. Help me
13. April 2017
Baby girl, help yourself and try the no contact rule.
Hi Oloni, I was speaking to this guy for a few weeks I told him all about my ex and our situation he was very understanding and gave me advice, the more we talked the more I liked him, I ended up sleeping with him and everything was fine one day my ex came to see me and I ended up sleeping with him I felt so guilty and I didn’t know what to do so I told the other guy and he now wants nothing to do with me as he felt I betrayed him and said there could never be anything between me and him again what should I do ?
13. April 2017
Hey hun I think you need to be on your own. It sounds like right now you just want to be wanted and you’re in a weak state. Be by yourself and turn to your girlfriends if you need to talk about your relationship troubles. I don’t think that other guy was genuinely interested, I think he caught you in a vulnerable place and tried to benefit from it.
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