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Huge dilemma. I’ve been with my boyfriend for 10 years I recently found out he cheated on me on two occasions during our relationship. When I found out he begged me not to leave him and we have been going to counselling to try and work on things as we have a child together and live together. He said he cheated as he saw it as a sort of escapism since this has all come out we haven’t slept together because I can’t get the thought of him sleeping with someone else out of my head. The first thing I think about when I wake up is him giving oral sex and sleeping with another female and how naiive I was to not know! I’m unsure what to do I know things will never be the same again
15. April 2017
Hey darling, thanks for writing in! I think that the fact that you’re both seeking some counselling is a VERY good step. Being cheated on is never easy, and it doesn’t make you naive as you truly trusted him.
Waking up and with those reminders clearly shows how difficult you’re finding everything. Have you spoken about this with him and have you informed your counsellor? Because it’s very important. This might be a sign that, you need a fair amount of time to yourself to get through things, especially because you live together.. just a bit of space.
If you’re 100% sure you know YOU want to make it work, then be patient and continue seeing your counsellor to see how things work out.
Oloni i am having headless. My ex wifed me really quickly within 1 month of knowing me. We were in honeymoon stage and everything was blissful and lovely. However 3 months in, he left his twitter account logged in on my phone and i discovered messages with several girls complimenting, asking on dates and even getting aired and rejected… embarssing. After that I locked it off immediately. THEN on twitter the NEXT day he posted his “girlfriend” in his stupid Arsenal t shirt that he used to get me to wear and leave at mine before i gave it back to him during breakup! He’s now put her name in his bio and posted date night pics. Oloni i am spinning i feel like i’ve been asleep for 3 months, where did girlfriend come from when he introduced me as his girlfriend to everyone although he never posted me online he did all other things a boyfriend should. I am so frustrated and confused. I’ve blocked him on everything but I’m debating messaging his “girlfriend” and telling her wagwan. How do i deal with the betrayal and should i tell the girlfriend she is being played too?
15. April 2017
No sis, leave him alone and just move on. Be thankful it never lasted longer than three months.
My man proposed to me after 2 months of us speaking. We spent almost everyday together. When he proposed I said yes and I was happy. A day after proposing he set the date a month later. I felt uncomfortable and wanted to know what led him to propose he told me he didn’t know. I left it. But then asked again via whatsapp he said he proposed bcos I was kind. Anyways I went to see him bcos I felt we needed to talk he came out with he had his doubts before proposing. This led me to give him back the ring. He is now not talking to me and has said we should just be friends but I don’t want that. I want him back before he proposed but he is now not speaking to me unsure about what to do to get him back. Helppppp! Pls!!! Thanks.
14. April 2017
Two months seems a bit too soon to start proposing. Why don’t you give him a bit of space, and if you still feel the same call him and see if you discuss what went wrong. If he still wants to be friends, it’s then up to you to accept his offer or walk away from it, none of this can be forced, that means engagement and friendship.
Dear Oloni, I have been working at my new job for 3 months and there is a man I have my eye on. We currently only say hello to each other, how can I turn this into more than just hi/bye? Possibly get his number perhaps lol ? Any tips?
14. April 2017
Heya hun, why don’t you look for an appropriate time to start a conversation with him at work? I think once you do that, you’ll have created a foundation to either add each other on social media, then work your way to phone numbers.
My boyfriend is living with two girls temporarily for a few months and he doesn’t understand why it bothers me.. do I have trust issues or do I have the right to have a problem with this?
14. April 2017
Heya hun, you can’t help how you feel, but I think you should question why. You probably could have trust issues, you might also just think it’s inappropriate. Could he really not live with other men? What woman really wants her boyfriend living with two other ladies? Have a conversation with him and tell him what you’re feeling.
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