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Oloni, me and my boyfriends’ sex has become trash. When we met it was animal. Our first time he even tied me up and shit. Now, it’s like it’s always a quickie and he’s just trying to get to the finish. it’s always initiated by him and he does have a high sex drive but when I initiate it he takes it as a joke and says no?? We have been together 2 years and already he doesn’t care about my pleasure, I have to ASK him to go down on me so I feel like a complete mug when he forces my head down to him all the time! I just want our sex to go back to how it used to be and him to appreciate he has a damn sexy woman alot of men would love to pleasure! But he doesn’t at all. What shall I do!!
21. April 2017
Hey hun, it can get really annoying when the sex between you and your partner isn’t how it once was. The best thing you can do is have a conversation about it and not when you’re both naked lol! Get across your concerns about the bedroom and see how he responds, he probably doesn’t even realise that this might me annoying you. Try also buying a new BDSM kit, so you can get back to how things were before.
Hi oloni hope you’re well. Basically I met this guy online and he’s soooo hot basically way out of my league 😭 He wants to meet up but I’m scared he’s going to be disappointed. I have a son and my body isn’t exactly how I want it to be right now. My pics clearly show that I’m not exactly small, but let’s just say they’re quite flattering pictures (we all know our angles right?) it’s just my first time meeting up with someone since I had my son and I’m really nervous. I know it’s probably not a biggie but I just feel like I’ve lost my confidence a bit.. What do I do? What if he comes here and says I’m ugly and leaves?! 😂😂 I’m sure all girls feel like this to a certain extent but When I think about meeting up with him I just bottle it. But I don’t want to not see him cos he is fiiiiine 😂 Help me please x
21. April 2017
Hey darling! This just sounds like an occasion to basically look your best. We all have insecurities and a lot of people who have met someone online, will tell you they’ve had a similar fear. Just relax, as I’m sure he’s probably nervous too. Make sure you give me an update!
Oloni, I’ve been with my bf for a long time. We’ve never really had any issues and we get on really well. Recently he’s been texting this girl, I read a few of the messages (which I hate doing) and it’s just constant all day everyday even whilst he’s with me (we live together so spend a lot of time with each other). I am constantly seeing her name flash up on his phone and he’s been acting really shady about it, she’s really flirty over text saying she wants to get to know him more and he’s not saying no. I want to confront him but don’t want him to know I’ve gone through his messages. I’m so upset about the situation, what do I do?
21. April 2017
Tell him what you saw. You can’t pretend you haven’t seen the messages. Just let him know and explain how you dislike it. Yes, you shouldn’t have gone through his phone, but he shouldn’t be entertaining women who are flirting with him.
So I’m gunna try & make this short & sweet. I want to know how many your opinion on how many coworkers is it okay to sleep with within the same company? It’s a small business company with about 30
18. April 2017
Lol whatever you deem is acceptable just be safe.
Hi Oloni, me and my boyfriend have been together for 6 months and every 2 weeks or so we argue and don’t talk to each other for 2 or 3 days, he always goes in a mood with me when i interact with men on the tl or mention another guys name it honestly makes me feel like shit and i cry myself to sleep sometimes over it, what should i do? is it worth staying in this relationship? what can i do to stop this petty arguing?
17. April 2017
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