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Hi Oloni. I’ve been seeing this guy for a while now. I’ve known I’m for a while but we have been going out for three months. Here’s the thing tho..this guy is sweet as hell and he’s the really romantic type. he always wants to talk to me..even when we have an issue..he’s always the one who reaches out to me first, regardless whether I’m at fault or not… andddd, The SEX! oh my dayssss…is beyond phenomenal, had no idea how flexible I was until i met him, lol. we are both still in college, 3rd year, but we also work full time. However, the dilemma is he has never ever spent a dime on me. no dates..no gifts, nothing..even when we went to the movies, I paid for my ticket myself 🙁 I don’t know what to make of it because he is like perfect in every other area. He openly tells his friends about me, so it’s not like he’s trying to hide me. I just don’t know what to make of it or how to raise it with him, since money talks can be quite touchy. It’s not like he’s broke or anything..because his parents are generous donors to our school. I’m not a gold digger, it just really bothers me because I’m a giver and I just feel it’s a nice gesture to be spent on too 22. April 2017

Why not have a conversation and ask him about it?


Hi oloni, I just want to start by saying it’s inspirational to see a Nigerian sex and relationship expert following her dreams dispute the disapproval of ‘traditional’ Yoruba morals , I’m really scared and I don’t know what to do, basically I’m Bi but right now I’m with a girl and I love her so much but our relationship is on the rocks because I’m in the closet and her family keeps putting pressure on her to make me come out then they’ll take us seriously but coming from a Religious Nigerian family I can’t come out my family will disown me and worse it could really break my mothers heart in her words ‘ the shame will allow her enemies to laugh at her’… do you have any advice please I feel like my mental health is getting worse cause I don’t wanna loose my gf and I don’t wanna loose my family but I really want to come out of the closet I’m tired of the lies and the hiding, I’m tired of living my life in fear of being found out 22. April 2017

Hey love! Thanks for writing in and for your kind words. I hope, I’m able to help.

In my opinion you should never feel pressured to come out of the closet, that’s nobody’s decision to make but yours. I think this is what you need to explain to your partner.

Addressing your sexuality to your family is what you’ll have to do, when you feel safe and ready. It’s so easy for others who aren’t in your position to say ‘tell your family’, but what you’re afraid of is very understandable.

As you know I’m Nigerian, so I completely know where you’re coming from. However, I think it’d be wise to talk to other people in the LGBT community who are from similar backgrounds, who can share their coming out journey with you & also help.


Hi Oloni, basically i was talking to this guy for over 11months. it started from insta DM. He made an effort to come to my birthday party in January and I liked him even more. We kissed and he told me that we are going to be together, but first he has some things to sort out. Fast forward few months we still talking every day saw him at his bday in march had sexual encounter and again in April, we still talking normally but he never makes effort for a date. Is it bad to say that I think he is a time waster and I don’t really want to talk to him because he even said in April he wants to be with me but he’s just chilling. My friend that lives near him says she always sees him with different girls. What should I do? My feelings for him are not strong nomore and even when we have sex I feel like It’s a chore with him as I don’t have that connection nomore 22. April 2017

He’s selling you dream hun.


Oloni, I have an issue regarding a break up that has stuck with me for the past year. I’ve been with a man in June 2016 and everything was lovely: we met each other’s parents and made promises to each other which made the relationship seem as if it was going to be a long term investment in each other until he changed his mind. He told me he wants to focus on himself and his career and that he needs a break, and would like me to wait, so I did. I messaged him after 2 months asking if there’s any point in me waiting anymore and found out he deleted my number by asking “who’s this?” when I messaged him. After a couple messages of saying who I am and what I want he proceeded to tell me he still does not want a relationship but misses the sex. 2 hours later there was a girl sleeping on his bed on snapchat. I asked him about it and denied being with her, but I later found out that they are indeed going out and have been since our break up, and they’re still currently together now, April 2017. I also found out that he lied to our common friends and said that the reason as to why he left is because I cheated on him, which never happened. He probably forgot who I am by now and doesn’t think about me anymore, but I am not happy, and even one year later when I think about him and what he’s done to me I can feel a deep pain in my chest. He is happy and I am not. What should I do to find inner peace and let go? I’ve tried being with other men, finding hobbies and spending time with friends and family more, and even went counselling, but nothing seems to work. What steps should I take next? 22. April 2017

Hey darling! Thank you for setting time aside to write into me.

I’ll be extremely honest with you even as a blogger and agony aunt I don’t always have the answers.  I wanted to tell you to keep busy, but by the time I had read your whole dilemma I saw that you had been doing that.

I’m sorry about what you went through, he was insensitive and a liar, but do not allow yourself to be hung up on this guy.

Be patient with what your emotions and trust that in time, you will be THANKFUL that your relationship didn’t progress any further. It may not feel like it now, but you had a lucky escape and were able to see him for the true person that he is.

Carry on seeing your counsellor, stay busy and be patient.


Hey Oloni, this is a very complicated situation but I’ll try and keep at as brief as possible. Me and my best friend (both female) were bi curious and used to mess around. At the time I think she had a lot stronger feelings for me than I did for her and she showed signs of this but I didn’t really take it on board. The sex was great, and it just worked so well because we were best friends it worked so well! However, her moral compass did trigger her to randomly stop a lot of the time. She’s a practising Muslim (although a liberal one) and I think she felt bad sometimes. It started to become on and off. We ended up going to separate unis where I think she used the opportunity to completely forget about it and me; nevertheless we would still come to visit one another and relapse by having sex. I didn’t realise I loved her but by the time I did it was too late. I started mentioning other girls and even started having sex with boys to make her jealous I’m not sure if it worked but I eventually got tired of her distance and just cut her off. A few months down the line we spoke a little bit and I found out she had a boyfriend, I was very hurt and reacted by verbal abuse etc. She told me she talks to her bf a lot about me but I know she didn’t tell him about what really went on with us. Long story short I found out she just broke up with him and I really want to try and contact her but I don’t want my feelings hurt again, do you think it’s worth getting in touch? 22. April 2017

Hey hun! Thank you for writing in.

It sounds like your relationship with your friend has had its ups & downs. The both of you have never truly had a chance to be honest about your feelings, and hide behind sex.

If you want to tell her how you feel, then do it, but I think you should try to not be physical with each other, because that’s how things have become complicated in the past.

Explain that, although you know she’s just come out of a relationship you wanted to be honest now and before it’s too late. Make it clear that you’re not asking to runaway tomorrow, but you just want her to be aware of  the feelings you have towards her.

I hope everything goes well.


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