Hi Oloni. I had a male best friend (not friends anymore obviously) who recently got a girlfriend around January time. He has told me that hes liked me in the past a few years back but i have always played it off because I’ve always looked at him as a brother. From when he was getting with his new girlfriend and even up to when we fell out, he was always asking to do sexual things including sex. Ive always told him no and also reminded him that he is in a relationship. He confided in me about all the other lies he has told his girlfriend whilst being in a relationship with her, which i havent told anyone. Recently we fell out and his girlfriend accused me of having bad intentions for their relationship and that i have feelings for him and a lot of other disrespectful stuff was said from the 2 of them, which he allowed her to say all of that when he knows all of the things i just mentioned. Even during all the abuse i still didn’t tell his girlfriend the truth. I decided from all of that, that he is not to be trusted friendship wise and that i do not want to be friends. Was i overreacting?
8. May 2017
No, you did the right thing. Count yourself lucky for not dating him.
Hi oloni, So I know your platform is for women but I don’t know what to do in this situation. I’ve been talking to this girl for about 4 months now over social media and recently we met up and then I discovered she was really tall. I never asked her how tall she was whilst we were talking but when we met up she was taller than me. I’m 6’2 and she must be at least 6’4/5 and I the height gap made me feel so uncomfortable. But when we were talking it was just like over social media everything flowed so well. She even said thanks for not being grossed out at her being so tall but truthfully I wasn’t feeling it. She’s so nice and her personality is cool but Her height has really thrown me off her and I don’t know what to do. We still talk and she said she wants to meet up again, but I’m unsure If I want to end it because if she finds out it’s because of her height I think it’ll crush her. Any advice?
7. May 2017
If you’re not attracted to her as a whole then you can’t force yourself to look past it. It’s just one of those things, just be respectful and honest and thank her for her time… or suggest you’d prefer to meet up as friends.
Hi oloni. hope you’re good:) could u pls do a sex tip / do’s n don’t for beginners lol who just started having sex or think of. I just recently lost my virginity and i feel so lost in this new world of sex lol i ave been clinic to get more info but i felt like they were pilling a lot of things on me n sugarcoating it a bit but i know if u do a thread or ask to your followers i will get real insight of what to do
7. May 2017
Oloni, I went out with some friends and it was a good night, we had an apartment and so we told a few people to come back to chill. I was having bants with one guy and we flirted a bit. When they came back to our apartment he fell asleep in mine and my sister’s bed. I was mingling with other people and what not and I got bored/tired and thought I’d go in the room to sleep so not to wake up. I was on my phone when he woke up and he started cuddling me and being really touchy. I told him to stop and he continued but in a banterous way. He then stopped and we were both just quiet, I was on my phone. I thought he’d gone back to sleep but he came closer and tried to lips me but I dodged a few times. I had a dress on that had a zip down the middle and he kept trying to unzip it and I told him to stop. He lifted my dress and started touching my bum, told him to stop cause I wanted my dress down then someone walked in and we pretended to be asleep then they left and we were laughing but my dress was still up. He then re-positioned me so he was on top of me and he was kissing my neck and I did want to kiss him back so I did. This is when he started reaching for my vagina and I told him to stop on several occasions but he didn’t, he then forced two fingers in my vagina and yes, I’ve been fingered before but I’ve never had sex. It was really painful and he was pushing it in and out and I kept telling him to stop. Then I told him I wanted him to stop cause I was a virgin and he didn’t believe me, he continued fingering but with only one. I did moan but I continued telling him to stop but he wouldn’t. Then I got angry and he stopped and Its been like 30 minutes since it happened and I don’t know how to feel… what just happened? I left and went to the bathroom and cried then he came in and told me it wasn’t that deep and that I’m going on like he raped me, then I lay in the bed and he tried to cuddle but I told him to stop touching me, he wouldn’t then eventually he did and then he asked if I was ring serious with how I was reacting cause “it’s not like I punched you, held you down and had sex with you” then he got angry and said “I’m a nice guy but don’t act like how you’re acting, cause people actually get raped and if that’s what you’re insinuating then you need to say it with your chest” then he barged out. I just don’t know what to do or how to feel
7. May 2017
Hey hun! I really do hope you’re feeling better and I’m so sorry to hear about what you went through. You’ve done nothing wrong and from what you’ve written to me, you clearly said ‘no’ on numerous occasions so he had no right to touch you without your consent. This was sexual assault and he should be punished for what he did. ‘No’ mean no, not try to convince me.
What he’s also done is gaslight you into thinking, you have no reason to be upset. Please talk to someone you trust about this and also go to the police.
I keep messing up the bedsheets when I have sex. Like it’s super duper wet! Is that normal???
7. May 2017
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