Hi Oloni. I recently got back with the guy I was seeing. I really do love him is so crazy but the sex isn’t as good as it used to be. I don’t know how to tell him this. He also likes to perform anal sex but I don’t like it. What should I do
9. July 2017
Talk to him about how you feel.
Oloni .. and tell him that you’re not into anal.
Hi oloni, I met a guy at a videoshoot a few months ago and we spoke for the two days and got on really well. We exchanged numbers and only spoke for a few days after. About a week ago he liked my post on instagram so I decided to dm him and see how he was. Instantly I could feel we had a connection and the conversation was flowing, I went to see him and ended up staying at his for a few days and it was really great tbh. Although hes told me he feels the same way i feel like im falling way too fast. The question i have is about whether age matters because im 19 and he’s 29…when we first met we didnt know eachothers age and he doesnt seem to want to rush me into anything. But I just wanted to know what you thought before getting too invested.
9. July 2017
Hey hun, I think you need to take things very slowly, if you’re really into this guy. Your age gap at this time is more than an age gap (if that makes sense?), it’s more to do with life experience .. if you were say.. 27 and he was 37, it wouldn’t be much of a big deal, but at 19 you’re only starting out your journey into womanhood.
Just be incredibly careful and keep your options open.
Oral Sex is Making This Common STI Difficult To Treat
Hi oloni I’m 22 and my boyfriend is 28 we have been together for 3 years.the thing is I do not see myself marrying him or having children with him as he already has 2 baby mothers and 5 kids.He always talks about wanting to have kids and settling down with me but I laugh it off as I am still in uni and plus baby mama number 3 status is not for me.however I can see why he wants all that as in the beginning when lust took over I entertained the whole kids and marriage idea just to please him.There is no way I could bring him home to my parents and honestly I’m embarrassed of him sometimes as he lost him job and gone back to drug dealing.How do I tell him that I just want him for the time being and just strictly sex? I’m I being inconsiderate for only just entertaining him for that purpose as I’ve woken up and smelt the coffee and realised that’s all he’s good for? (Mind you our relationship was up and down and break ups and make ups?
7. July 2017
Oh lord.. dump him please.
Hello oloni I am 19 and my boyfriend is 25.Recently he’s asked me for money and I mean 2-3k.We have been together 2 years and I’ve never once given him money except £20 for petrol once.Everytime we go out which is hardly we have been out 5 times in that 2 year period he pays always.He has never really given me money at all and the highest being £100.The thing is he never asks for money on the holidays always around the time my student loan drops.I told him no and he has gotten angry and just been ignoring me.even if he had given me 2k I still wouldn’t of given him money as he’s not my husband either just common boyfriend for all I know he could disappear.Right now I’m really disappointed in him and even though he’s started to apologise I’m just ashamed of him.i can’t even look at him it’s just sickening.how do get over this?
7. July 2017
I honestly think you should stop dating this adult sized baby. He has no business asking you for such an amount. Student loan money is not even that much.. he’s using his long neck to ask YOU for money because he’s taking advantage.. run.
10 Things You Should Stop Saying To Asexuals
My fuck buddy always makes me buy the condoms because he’s too lazy. Every time we have sex I know how much there’s left. Last week I found out that he used 3 condoms with someone else while we were on a break. It was the first time but I felt disrespected so I went off on him. He says im overreacting and it’s not a big deal. Am I doing too much?
7. July 2017
If you’re buying the condoms, take the rest of the packet when you leave. Be sharper sis. If he’s going to sleep with other people I think it’s important he let’s you know, but it is somewhat rude to use the condoms you’ve bought to sleep with other people.
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