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Hey oloni. I keep attracting older men and its really bugging me.i am 19 and cant seem to attract guys my age even when I dress and behave like your average 19 year old. Its especially a problem since older mwn including friends fathers ,uncles , family friends, priests etc. make advances even when I make it clear i’m not interested. What can I do? This has been ongoing from a young age and I wouldnt class myself as fully mature.
4. August 2017
Old men always try to talk to younger women. Try different ways of seeking new love interets. E.g dating apps.
You can filter the age limit, so you don’t get men who are way older swiping right.
Hi Oloni, my girl of 4 years broke up with me last year. we were separated for about a month and she ended up coming back to me and I took her back because I seriously loved her. fast forward to 2 weeks ago, a close friend of hers (who is also a mutual friend with me from before the relationship) told me that whilst we were apart she had sex with an old flame a few times, initially I did not mind because we were not together but i asked who the guy was and did some digging and after being a little more observant, I discover that she still talks to this guy regularly and still likes his post on social media and vice versa she also hangs out with a lot of his friends and I’m sure he must have been there a few times. I don’t know what to do, what makes this even more frustrating is that her reason for breaking up with me is that she had lost attraction for me. I don’t want to become a paranoid person because she came back to me after all but the fact that she’s still in contact with him at all bugs me out. Do I address it and drag our friend into it or just walk away from the whole situation.
3. August 2017
You have to bring it up, it clearly makes you uncomfortable. Her getting back with you doesn’t mean you have to hide all your feelings.
Yes, you weren’t together when she got with someone else, but she should know your thoughts on the closeness of her and the old flame.
Hi Oloni i am 18 and currently considering getting a sugar daddy, I was wondering if you could inform me of what it entails and also give me a link of where i could possibly find one
3. August 2017
I did a thread on it. Search the word Sugar Daddy on here at the very top.
Hi Oloni, I just wanted to say that I adore your platform and I’m an avid follower! Okay, so my dilemma is that I have suffered with severe mental health issues for the best part of my adult (and teenaged) life. As a symptom of my issues I’ve done a lot of self harming over time. I’ve left some really nasty scars on the tops of my thighs and I’m terrified of being intimate with any one for fear of them seeing them and freaking out and running away from me. I feel so insecure about the idea of getting naked infront of someone that I feel like I will never have a relationship. Is there anything I can use to full the scars or?? Helpppp
3. August 2017
Thanks for writing in! The truth is a lot of us have insecurities when lying naked with someone. The best thing to do is to work on your confidence and only have sex with people you’re comfortable with.. it’s the most important thing.
If someone you’re comfortable with does eventually ask questions, it’s then up to you to decide whether you want to open up and share.
If you ever do find yourself self harming please try to get help, and if that help isn’t any good, look elsewhere. Thanks again for writing in anon.
Oloni may I just say that what you are doing is amazing honestly I’m so happy you’re doing what your doing sex & relationships amongst the black community in the U.K. Seems like such a taboo subject and I’m generally so pleased that you have given women a platform in general to discuss anything. You’re so awesome lma
3. August 2017
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