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Hey oloni, so I have a best friend (girl) and it’s her birthday coming up. We’ve been friends for almost 10+ years so I said to her I would take her to see the new venom film when it comes out.. but my girlfriend doesn’t agree and is saying if I go she might possibly break up with me, baring in mind I go to my bestfriends house sometimes and you would of thought that would be worse right? Am I in the wrong?
4. October 2018
I see why it’d make her uncomfortable. Perhaps this is a step too far for your gf??
Relationships come with boundaries even people in non-monogamous relationships have them. Yes, she might be cool with house visits from time to time, but now she might think you’re going OTT.
She’s given you an ultimatum, so it’s down to you to decide what to do. Talk to her.
Also, does your best friend not have her own love life. Why is she borrowing someone else’s man? Best friend or not. Eurgh!
Dear Oloni. I recently hooked up with a Guy cause I was getting frustrated horny, but to my surprise the Dick was so bomb. Please how do I get some more of that Dick, seeing as it was supposed to be a one time thing
4. October 2018
Message him and say, “whats gooooood?’
Hey Oloni, So the last time I had sex was 3 months ago. I was just super anti coz I got out of a relationship. N I didn’t know how to flirt. I have been actually moving to boys now coz I have been that horny. While learning how to flirting etc. I got myself guy who wants to fuck, he got hotel n everything sorted. Asked him to send a dick pic to see his package and he has uncircumcised penis!? I don’t know if I should be worried, scared, prepared for pain, I’ve never had sex/seen/touched with someone who’s had an uncircumcised penis. I don’t know if I can still use the same technique while giving head, I’m worried about hygiene. I have asked my friends if they been with a guy like that but they haven’t. So I just would like to know if you have any tips for being with someone who’s uncircumcised or should I be worried, and what about it, that’s going to be different ?
4. October 2018
Heya love! Uncircumcised penises are no different to dicks which have the snip. You need to remember that that is their natural state. As for hygiene as long as he takes regular showers, you should be facing any surprises. You oral sex techniques don’t have to change either lol just relax, get some condoms and enjoy.
Hey Oloni, so I’m Jamaican and my girl is Nigerian, we’ve been together for about 6 months now and everything is perfect. She’s everything i’ve ever I wanted and a really great girlfriend. The only problem is that whenever I go to clubs or parties with her and Afrobeats comes on, she always leaves me to go and dance with all the other Africans even the guys. I try not to let this get to me because it is her culture and I respect that but there’s something in me that just gets uncomfortable whenever she does it, am I being too possessive?
4. October 2018
Heya love.. aww I don’t think it’s a huge issue. However, if it really does bother you, perhaps you can make a light joke out of the situation and ask why she does it??
Why is it frowned upon too judge someone on their body count, my boyfriend has slept with a number of people. Everytime he’s on instagram and I ask who’s that he responds with I fucked her. I don’t know if it’s that fact that he follows so many people that he’s had sex with or that he’s had sex with so many people. I just bothers me a bit because I feel that he’s just cheapened him self and just fucked his way through life.
4. October 2018
I can’t lie this made me giggle. I think it’s a bit insensitive that he’s interacting with women he’s been intimate with. It also sounds like you have an issue with it. So why not tell him this? Would he be okay if you did the same thing? It’s also frowned up to criticise someone’s sexuality, because no one should have a say over a body which doesn’t belong to them. We should all be allowed to have sex the way we desire, so long as it’s consensual.
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