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Hi Oloni, so me and my boyfriend have been together for about 3 months. Things are alright I guess apart from him being such a flirty character and can never just admit that it’s wrong. But what I fear is that my man will find someone better and leave me. What I mean by this is that I am not his type in any way shape or form. He has a type. He likes the lightskin girls, curly hair, slim or slim thick. I on the other hand dont really have curves. I’m quite chubby. I’m also darkskin. He keeps saying that if he wasn’t attracted to me he wouldn’t have asked me to be his girl. But he stays making new female lightskin friends who are his type to the t. I think he’s made about 6 of them ‘friends’ since we’ve been together. He’s always watching all the lightskin girls that we see when we’re out. I’ve mentioned it to him but he still does it. He’s also been acting a bit distant with me lately so to me it just scares me. I’m scared that one day he’s just going to find the perfect lightskin girl that talks her way into his pants or something. I don’t know what I should do
27. June 2019
I completely understand your worries. It’s just weird for a man who’s in a relationship to make new female friendships. Especially when the friendship has no purpose. These women seem like options in my eyes and it’s something you need to talk about with him, because it’s clearly making you insecure. The fact that they all look similar is also very telling, so your concerns make sense. Talk to him and let him know that this is hindering your relationship.
Is it a good idea to initiate a conversation with a guy about his intentions? I’ve been speaking to a guy for a couple months now; we’ve been on a couple dates which have literally been perfect and had amazing sex a couple times also. Not saying I have feelings for him but I’m very interested. However sometimes I feel like I’m receiving mixed signals. When I’m with him everything is perfect I actually feel like he wants me but when we’re apart we don’t speak that much. I haven’t seen him in about a month so I started thinking maybe he thinks I just want to have sex because 2/3 times we’ve slept together I did initiate it, I’m starting to feel he’s not as interested but I still feel like there’s a small chance that he is – due to previous conversations. I’m honestly stuck, not sure if I should ask if he’s interested or how to go about asking him. My friends are no help some tell me to ask and some tell me not to lol. I can’t go with my gut instinct because it tells me different things each day. Please help.
24. June 2019
You haven’t seen him in a month. He’s not interested love.
Get out more and jump on dating apps.
You literally give the best advice 🙂 Thankyou x
24. June 2019
Thank you x
Hi Oloni! My boyfriend recently went down my phone (in particular a chat between my bestfriend & I ) and he found a message of me confessing to her about a time me and my flatmate got together on night (didn’t sleep together). This was before me and him started seeing eachother, but he is obviously mad and asking me to tel my flat mate to move out. There is no attraction to my flatmate it was a drunken mistake. What do I do? Am I in the wrong for not telling him at the beginning this happened?
20. June 2019
I don’t think all things need to be shared in a relationship, especially a meaningless drunken kiss. Unless he’s paying for your rent and can find you somewhere new to live, he’s going to have to pipe down and simply trust you.
Perhaps when your lease is up and if he still feels uncomfortable you can talk about it. You haven’t done anything wrong in my eyes, you weren’t even together.. but don’t forget to put yourself in his shoes so you can come to the best decision.
Hey Oloni, so just want your opinion on this. I was chilling at my boyfriends house and I asked him to check if the bathroom was free. He was gone for quite a while and I was like ??? and he told me that his brother was in there showering and that he just used the bathroom, cool whatever because I know they just use the bathroom together like that. He then goes on to say that him and his siblings do it all the time even with his sister who is my age (21/22) and then I actually remembered a time where he did it. I feel like that is just TOO close for comfort and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it since its obviously awkward to say anything. I thought only white people do that shit. I just want to know what you would think if you were in my place or am I just being over dramatic lol
20. June 2019
Yeah it’s weird, but every family has their weirdness lol mind your business!
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