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Then switch up your routine. Go to different places, especially this summer. Try different dating apps other than Tinder. You have Bumble and Happn.. also my personal favourite at the moment is Hily, but only cus there’s more brothers 😂 you can get it here: Have a conversation with him and let him know exactly what you told me. It’s normal to want attention when you send your partner intimate images. Of course you don’t want him to be fake, so ask if there’s any issues. Oloni Your boyfriend is being extremely unreasonable and you need to let him know this. You can’t let him stop you from making money due to his insecurities. Ask him why he feels this way? Have either of you cheated on each other before? Would he prefer if they came to your house, while he’s there?? Oloni Sexual compatibility is important for some for others it seriously isn’t. If you’ve tried to compromise by holding out on sexual acts. Try asking what all his boundaries are and see if you can work around it. For example. If he’s not into oral sex, try getting an oral sex toy or flavoured lubricant to see if that can help. Best of luck oloni Sis, why do you even want advice on a situationship? If you’re after a relationship in general communicate this. If he’s not interested, cut him off. He returns wanting the same thing then cool. If not move on.
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