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Hey Oloni, my bf has a 5yr old and his pictures of the child with the mum on his phone/ pictures together of when they went to events or outings. Is it wrong of me to ask him to delete them as they aren’t together. Is it necessary to keep?. Is it weird to ask your partner to delete old pictures or are there allowances for bbymums etc. Am I wrong to feel uncomfortable. Thank you in advance
23. March 2020
I don’t think you should be dating someone with a kid if this makes you uncomfortable. He has a family, it’s VERY normal for him to have photos with his child and the mother of his child in his phone and even on social media.
Hi, any good lube to use? Thank you
23. March 2020
Hey Oloni my bf has the coronavirus and kept it quiet. He never told me cus he didn’t think it was that much of a big deal. He only told me after we had sex. I’m not mad at him but I’ve been keeping away and he’s annoyed, when I should be annoyed. I’ve advised him on his to take care of himself but I’m now worried about my health. Do I self isolate? Do I tell my family? (I live with my mum, grand dad and brother) my bf keeps asking me to come over and see hIM AND SAYS IDC ABOUT HIIM HELP.
23. March 2020
We answered this on ep 56 of Laid Bare!
Hey oloni two nights ago I went out with my bf of 5 years. I got a lil drunk and was bursting to pee. As he was driving us home I accidentally wet myself in the passengers seat of his car. I was embarrassed too intoxicated to clean it, so he dropped me home and stayed mad at me. The following day, he called me to come and clean it even though I was out already with friends. I even had work the following day, but he made sure I went round to his place late at night just to clean his car seat (this was around midnight). I understand he’s annoyed, but he’s been angry with me since. My girls think he should of cleaned it instead of waiting a day for me to come around. Do you think he should have been so extra for me to come around and do that? I’m his girlfriend, not some random lady. I just have mixed feelings now.
12. July 2019
You need to tell him how it made you feel. As a partner there are things you will have to do for one an other when accidents happen. He could have got it cleaned properly and perhaps asked you to cover the costs. Him asking you to go to his house to clean the car seat, just seems like a punishment.
I think my boyfriend is gay or even bisexual at the least. I just have this feeling that won’t go away. I’ve tried to ignore it but it’s bothering me so much. I Can’t talk to anyone about it and I’m too scared to approach this. How did I get through this?
12. July 2019
Have a conversation with him. Talking to your partner, about their sexuality shouldn’t be difficult. Let them know that they can be comfortable opening up to you, and also explain what’s lead to your feelings.
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