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Hi oloni, I’ve been seeing a boy for 3 months now and he seemed like a decent guy ..he took me winter wonderland paid for everything bought me gifts and all sorts he told me he wanted to be with me and stuff and he told me he wasn’t gonna waste my time he put me on as his display picture on his WhatsApp and social media.3rd time we met we ended up having sex which is not what we wanted to happen. I’ve never had sex with someone who I wasn’t in a relationship with and I was disappointed in myself. We continued to speak after but it felt different like he was just about the sex he took me to a 5 star hotel in london a week after which I wasn’t to sure about but I thought it would be us spending time together there and doing things together as there was a pool there and everything.when we got there he literally wouldn’t want to do anything but stay in the room I was angry I didn’t come there to just have sex with him I went because I wanted to spend time with him. After that day he hardly contacted me but this was usually as he isn’t the type of guy to text that much. I texted him a day later to say shall we cut this off it seems like the sex changed everything( I said this as a test to see what he wanted I didn’t want to cut it off) he agrees and I tried calling him and he doesn’t reply and airs me. Shall I take it as that what we had is over? He texted me saying I cut it off. I feel like I’m just left confused and upset. Shall I just forget about him? I would be very greatful if you could help 🙁 x 12. January 2017

Hey girl, it sounds like he was grafting  to have a sexual relationship. A lot of men are guilty of this, they put in all that work and effort instead of simply saying, they’re not looking for anything serious. Forget this dude, you’ll find better and what you want hun.


Hey Hun, I met this guy when In a restaurant it turned out that he was the owner. We couldn’t keep our eyes off eachother and he finally decided to approach me. We spoke abit and he kept telling me how beautiful he thought I was. For some reason I had the urge to ask if he had a gf, so I did. To that he responded No! We exchanged numbers and was texting. Like the stalker I am I decided to try and find his instagram..low and behold there were pictures of him and his girl all loved up on holiday together etc. I confronted him about and he apologised for lying. He said I was just so beautiful and we had a connection. I decided to leave it cut him off but I would think about him all day everyday. 2 months later he has messaged me sayin how he can’t stop thinkin about me, i’m always on his mind etc. I don’t know what to do because we’ve started speaking again he says he doesn’t want to be with his gf anymore and will break it off but its very difficult. He messages me every single morning and we speak on the phone. I need your help pleaseee?! 12. January 2017

Hey hun! I wouldn’t to tell you to go through with this. He’s lied before and seems like a complete dishonest person. If you do decide to start going out with him would you truly be able to say you can trust him? Think about it carefully dear.


Hi Oloni. I’m 34. I recently met a guy who’s 41, tall, has a great job and matches my ambitious nature. No kids so no baby-mama drama. So on paper he sounds great. However, when he kissed me the other day l felt nothing. Not a single thing. Dry as the Sahara. He however, couldn’t stop going on about how amazing the kiss was. Since that day every time he tries to kiss me l have to do some ninja moves to avoid it. When he goes in to cuddle me it feels awkward and l don’t like it. It kinda almost feels like abuse. We have not had sex bcoz l’m just not feeling it or him. What’s wrong with me? I honestly don’t understand why l feel nothing bcoz he’s a good man. 12. January 2017

Hey girl, there’s no spark and a part of you is forcing yourself to like him, because ultimately he’s a good guy on paper. But just because he’s a ‘good guy’ doesn’t mean it’s meant to be, he could become a good friend instead. Think about this more, and also look at your past dating history. Does this always happen or is this new?


Hi Oloni, my friend and roommate wears teeny tiny booty shorts around the house, even when I have a potential beau over. I’ve asked her if she could wear something else when he’s round but her view is that she should wear what she wants in her own home. How do I approach this without causing a fight? 12. January 2017

She’s your friend, so have another conversation with her. You both live there and asking her to dress appropriately shouldn’t be too much to ask for. She’s not being considerate if she ignores your simple wishes again, however this allows you to know the type of person she is, so pay attention.


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Hey , so me and this guy have been seeing each other for a few months, but we never became item. I asked him what his intentions are and I told him I’d like more. He said he’s not ready for a relationship but he still wants me in his life. So I said fair enough. I guess what I’m asking is I don’t know what I should do. I really like him and care for him as a person. I get along with him well and still want him in my life. I’m just confused as to what my next step is. 8. January 2017

If you both don’t want the same thing, your next move should be to thank him for his time and leave.


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