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Hi, I may be stupid but I feel second best all the time. I don’t care that my boyfriend sees his friends and I don’t mind that he goes out. We are both very busy and we are at uni and therefore we need social time. However, I am starting to feel second best because I will message him and then I always see him tweeting people, liking pictures on Instagram, being online on whatsapp and then will message me hours later. He occasionally reassures me and says lovely things which makes me think everything is okay but this feeling of being second best to his friends and social life hurts. He always says he doesn’t want us to end and is ready for a relationship, but I can’t fight the feeling that he doesn’t love me. I really don’t know what to do because we are so good together otherwise. Please offer me some advice. xx
15. January 2017
Hey hun, don’t feel stupid just have a conversation with your Mr and voice how you feel.
Hi Oloni. I have a dilemma. Every guy I have dated (be in 2 dates or a relationship) when things have ended now have gfs. Like literally straight away. Am I the gf fluffer? Or just terrible luck with men? I meet loads (I’m a confident, intelligent BW who is quite good-looking) but with men my luck has run short. Another one has told me today he now has a gf which is why he’s been less communicative. I just said ok. Best of luck. But inside I’m hurt a little.
15. January 2017
Oh darling, that must be extremely annoying! The only way you’d be the girlfriend fluffer is if you’re doing everything the girlfriend should be doing. So are you committing outside of a commitment? Are you giving too much of yourself? I think you need to find a new approach to dating and see how that works. Don’t be too disheartened love, these things happen quite often.
Hi Oloni! Is there ever any reason that a whatsapp message is not replied to within 24 hours or am I being made a fool of?
15. January 2017
Their attention is elsewhere.
T/W -SEXUAL ABUSE* Hey oloni, I’ve been wth my boyfriend for 2years and everything is great. But this one time like 2 months ago I was home alone with his dad because he was at work and his dad raped me. Tears are literally falling down on my screen as I’m writing this and I’m shaking. I haven’t told anyone and I just want to kill myself. He done it so violently, he didn’t just go up my vagina he done anal aswell and it still hurts. Oloni, I’ve lost so much weight and I’m so depressed. I’ve gone from a size 12 to a size 8-10 in literally two months. I don’t know how to deal with this, everytime I close me eyes I see his face, when I’m in the dark I feel like I can smell him and feel him against me. What’s so sad about this is that before any of this happened everything in my life was looking great. I got accepted into Cambridge to study law, my social life was great, I was making money and Allah was opening doors for me everywhere. I feel like I’m not myself anymore, all I do is focus on uni work because it’s the only thing that distracts me. My relationship with my boyfriend is a shambles and nothing is going right, every time I look at him I see his dads pale eyes and olive skin. I feel like it’s my fault I got raped, maybe if I didn’t wear the skirt I did he wouldn’t have hurt me. I’ve stopped wearing make up, I’ve stopped wearing nice clothes, I’ve stopped praying and I smoke weed to just take the pain away for a while. What should I do? I just feel so suicidal.
15. January 2017
I am so sorry to hear about what you’re going through, and would much rather prefer if you could email me, so we could speak privately. Please do get in contact ASAP.
Hiya, so my boyfriend wants me to delete my social media. Now first off it sounds crazy and controlling but my social medias have large follower counts, a majority of which are males. He fears males going on social media to ‘find’ me, he doesn’t like the idea of other men looking at his girlfriend so easily essentially. Now of course everyone is protective of their partner but is this too much? We have spoken and he has agreed he will be happy for me to have social media for people I personally know etc. Is he being reasonable here or extreme? I understand his reasons but I don’t feel I should do such to please him?
12. January 2017
Your boyfriend is very annoying and insecure. Do not delete your account, what an extreme request from a partner and may I add, insane. He needs to figure out whether or not he can trust you, full stop.
Today it’ll be this, then tomorrow he’ll change his mind and suggest you delete it in total, despite it just being for friends and family. I also think you should start paying attention to these red flags, because it’s quite scary and very controlling.
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