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Ladies, shall we have some Brunch? Come celebrate International Women’s Day March 8th. Eat, laugh and make some new girlfriends!

Hey Oloni. Great job by the way. Let me get straight into it. I am pregnant by my regular dick appointment and everything is fine between us. But lately he has point blank refused to satisfy me sexually. I have always always had a very high sex drive and his sex is the bees knees but now he is depriving me and it’s really depressing me. He knows I can’t get d*ck from anyone else because I’m carrying his child but he thinks having sex with me is going to trigger my feelings for him. He also seems to think sex is going to harm he baby (bless his cotton socks). Sometimes I get frustrated and act out in frustration and sometimes I just shoot my shot and ask him to come and d*ck me down but he turns down my request. How do I let him know that “honey, mama has needs that only you can satisfy”? Thanks for answering. 2. June 2017

Hey love! Congratulations on your pregnancy. If he’s not interested in having sex.. no matter what the reason is, you’re just going to have to accept it. Your hormones might be all over the place, so I’d suggest is some good ol self pleasure.


Hey Oloni, I can’t get over the fact my girl slept with other people during our breaks. Should I be jealous about this? 2. June 2017

Yes, that’s heartbreaking. Unless that was agreed to prior, breaks do not mean you csn suddenly jump into bed with someone else.


Soooo I’ve been dating for like 9 months now. All is great, haven’t done the whole official thing, but we’re good. I’ve made it clear to her a while back that I’m not looking for anything serious, but don’t mind seeing her still, esp as she is still quite keen to keep going out with me. Now we’re talking about going on holiday together soon, talks of big plans. But, even tho I’m not looking for anythin long term serious with this person, and they’re still keen to go, do i broach it with them (again) about my standpoint, or will this make things odd and awkward when we’re having good times together / put a damper on things? Are these a sign that desp what i said shes pushing for the long haul? Could we still date n keep things as they are, or break things off cos of where I’m coming from? 2. June 2017

Why would you even plan on going on a baecation with someone who isn’t your partner? That’s sending mixed messages. If i were you, I’d cancel the whole holiday because when actions are involved it turns into something else.

When you reach that destination you will probably go out on dates like couples do, have sex like couples do, hold hands and spoon as couples do.

After 9 months of dating, of course she thinks you might finally want to be exclusive. Do not go on that holiday or else it’ll be more complicated.


My partner has all girls as his snapchat best friends that I don’t know or girls he never has said he’s friends with. He never shows me off on social media and if I was to do it myself as a joke it’s deleted, sneaky? 2. June 2017

How long have you been dating for? Either way. Super odd!

My boyfriends mum wants him to marry his cousin from Trinidad so that she can get papers and come to this country. I understand doing the most for family however they’ll have to be married for 5 years before she gets papers I think. That’s my boyfriend don’t want him marrying anyone unless it’s me regardless of the situation but I don’t want to sound selfish as his whole family are pushing it 13. May 2017

This is such a tough one and your feelings are very understandable. I personally feel like it’s ridiculous. There are many ways around this, that doesn’t include him having to marry his cousin.

It doesn’t make you selfish at all. I think you should have a conversation with your bf and let him know how you feel about the whole situation. Be honest with him and yourself. If him going through with this marriage is a big nono for you, perhaps it’s time to think about the future of your relationship with him. 5 years is not a joke.


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