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Grab a copy of The Big O: An empowering guide to loving, dating and f**king

Ladies, shall we have some Brunch? Come celebrate International Women’s Day March 8th. Eat, laugh and make some new girlfriends!

How long is too long to wait for a title? We’ve been seeing each other for a year, and we’ve developed an amazing relationship. He’s like my best friend with amazing benefits 🙂 However I want to know if this is all we will ever be or more. 2. June 2017

A year? Oh nono sis, what is you doing? If you’d like a relationship with him. Communicate this.


Hey girl! Laid bare was so much fun last night and the topic of masturbating made me think. I HAVE watch porn when i masturbate, I have done for a really long time now and i can’t seem to orgasm when I don’t. Do you have any advice/tips, it would really help! thanks xx 2. June 2017

Thanks for coming! Pun intended 😉 also apologies for responding now..

Right.. I’d suggest practicing and usung your imagination. Allow yourself to be turned on, don’t rush into it by whipping out your new vibrator. Play with your body.. make love to YOURSELF.. ease into masturbating.

It won’t get you off as quickly as porn, but what’s the rush?  Get to know your body and try to discover new erogenous zones.


How much should you tell a new boyfriend about your old relationships? And what is reasonable to ask and what would be them crossing the boundary?? 2. June 2017

Tell whatever you’re comfortable telling… BUT .. do it over a period of time. Don’t tell him on the first date how many times your ex cheated on you or when you cheated on your ex. Be patient! It also depends on the seriousness of the past relationships.


Hi Oloni, so long story short I’m having sex with a married man. I met the man of my dreams sis, and he turned out to be newly married with young children. I cut all ties immediately. Until recently that is. He popped up back into my life and I just can’t keep away. 2. June 2017

You’re not trying hard enough. If you feel like this is morally wrong, cut all ties and block his number.


Hi Oloni, me and my best friend are in love with eachother. We’re not in a relationship but we’ve established we love each other more than friends. We’ve slept together several times but not this year. I want a relationship with him but he said he doesn’t want to hurt me simply because all his past relationships ended badly. So when I accept it and try to move on and he says he can’t be with me but he doesn’t want anyone else to have me. Oloni, what should I do? He’s been the only guy I’ve ever really wanted for 10 years but I’m no idiot, should I just cut him off? Sure we drift apart but we always come back together and it’s like nothing ever changed. Please help me. C xx 2. June 2017

The thing about love is it’s never straightforward and in this scenario it’s certainly complicated. I can understand how your friend is feeling because he cleary values your friendship, but at this point it’s a bit too late.

Feelings have developed and you’ve also been intimate. If he feel like he can’t try or give it a shot with you, you need to distance yourself before your feelings go completely over the top. Maybe space might even allow him to figure things out.


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