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Ladies, shall we have some Brunch? Come celebrate International Women’s Day March 8th. Eat, laugh and make some new girlfriends!

Hey Oloni I’m in a very awkward situation with my ex girlfriend, we originally stopped going out because she cheated on me with another guy, after i forgave her about it she was content that she wanted to be by herself for a while to work on her life, during this time we because very good friends (we’re still sleeping with each other) but I found out that she is still talking and sleeping with the guy that she cheated on me with, she telling me that it could be something serious with the other guy, and she also tells me that she isn’t ready to let me go. I don’t want to let her go either to be honest I’m happy being her friend but I can’t help feel cheapen,this has been going on for about 5 months now, and previous we had been going out for just under 5 years Thank you 7. June 2017

Hey dear! Thanks for writing in. I seriously think you need to cut off ties with your ex. Being by herself should not include intimacy/friendship. That’s not how it works! I feel like she’s simply stringing you along.. and maybe not purposely.. but she’s stringing… if she is in fact talking to the guy she cheated on you with, that’s even more of a reason to leave her be.

Look, you’re clearly still in love with your ex and that’s fine.. but at this point it’s best you love her from a distance.


Hi Oloniii. How would you broach the subject of wanting an open relationship? Is there a way for it? 7. June 2017

Heya! Good question, I think the best way woukd be by having a conversation with your partner about the topic and seeing how they respond. Share your thoughts on open relationships and communicate your interests.


I hacked into my boyfriends snapchat like a crazy gf cause I knew he was acting dodgy…. found out he was still in good contact with a LOT of girls, just consistently commenting and making pathetic small talk. I went ballistic & told him what I did and he then blocked me off EVERYTHING .. I left at least 200 pounds worth of stuff at his place (make up mainly) AND he has my TV. Now that I’m blocked off everything I can’t get in contact with him. Do I just leave it and move on or do I fight for my stuff. Ps we are long distance relation – I’m from London and he’s from Bristol 7. June 2017

Hey hun, go to a small claims court to get your items back.


Hi Oloni, I think my boyfriend is broke. Now i dont have a problem with a guy not having enough money , im happy to spend a little on him but its starting to seem he NEVER has money. It was my birthday couple weeks ago and he wasnt able to get me anything, not even something small like flowers or chocolate. His excuse was ‘ its going to be a surprise’ its been three weeks… i honestly dont know what to do because i do truly love him and i’ve told him if he is financially unstable i am more than happy to help and will still love him unconditionally. What should i do? 6. June 2017

I’m assuming you’re both over 21. Why would you want to help someone financially if you hate that they’re always broke? You need to have a conversation with him about finding a job. If he doesn’t get one, leave. Relationships costs money. They’re not cheap. And if you can’t even receive a gift Birthday present three weeks later you might as well be single.


I dread having sex with my boyfriend. I love him but the sex is bad. He’s 26 I was his first. So I understood at the beginning why it wasn’t the best but now over 2 year nothing improved. One day he’ll come in 3 minutes the next he just can’t finish!! It really effects my mood cause I used to LOVE sex and now I try everything to avoid it. He loves to go down on me and that’s alright but the sex feels horrible. We’ve spoken. Will it improve over the years or am I just have to get over it and put up with the shit sex ?:( I keep fantasising about my ex before him who gave me the best dick of my life. I feel guilty. 6. June 2017

Hey love! I think you need to decide how important sex is to you when in a commitment. If this has been something you’ve tried to work through and you truly feel like you’re out of tricks, then perhaps it’s time to end the relationship.. especially if you think about sex with your ex.


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