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Hi Oloni, I recently found out that my bf was messaging a woman on a war game that he plays on his phone for almost two weeks. He does not know this woman as players are from all around the world. In the messages I read, he asked her to change her account name to his name with ‘bae’ on the end (implying that she was his ‘bae’) and she did. He was using inappropriate emojis such as ‘😍😘’ and she was buying him game packs. After confronting him, he claims that he was simply using her and manipulating her into buying him game packs (they’re around £80 a pack) as she was spending £100s a week on the game. He said he would never intend to hurt me and he never meant anything that he said in an inappropriate way. However, I feel like maybe this is just a cover story. Anyway, he’s now deleted the game (I asked him to) and we’re trying to work through it, although I’m struggling to forget it as this is the first time he has ever done such a thing to me and I feel truly heartbroken and let down. Am I overreacting and should I give him another chance?
5. June 2017
Heya hun! It is extremely odd that he’s done this. It also shows clear signs of his character. He’s busy giving another girl hope whilst in a relationship with you, that’s not okay. Regardless of his reasoning it’s still a terrible thing to do. He’s out there making some random chick change her username to ‘xyz’s bae’ and you’re totally clueless about it.
It’s up to you to decide whether or not you should truly take him back, but it all boils down to whether or not you can trust him.
Is having sex too soon a deal breaker if you want to get serious with a guy?
5. June 2017
Not all guys! I know couples who are still together despite having sex on the first date. I also hear of the typical stories where the guy never calls back.
My suggestion? Do what makes you feel comfortable but also be wise!
Hi oloni, so I’ve started dating this guy and things have been going really well. I’ve told him that i’m wanting something serious and he’s told me that’s what he wants too. We talk almost everyday. He’s said that he’s not just looking for sex and fun but does have sexual undertones in the way that he talks to me; he said that this was because he’s so attracted to me. Just for a couple of days in the evening our conversation has gotten sexual and I’ve sent a few photos and videos. He told me that all that talk we’ve had has really turned him on and he has to relieve himself but wanted one last video of me and I said that I didn’t want to send him one. He got really annoyed and said that I can’t do that to him and now he’s stopped talking to me. Am I just kidding myself thinking he wants more than sex or was I in the wrong for turning him on those nights?
5. June 2017
There’s absolutely nothing attractive about a guy who can’t take no for an answer, then tries to guilt trip you. You’re getting to know him and sadly, his true colours are starting to show. I would be careful with this guy and pay attention to this red flag. When you do speak again explain how uncomfortable he made you feel, you did nothing wrong.
Hi Oloni, I hope all is well. Just want to say a huge well done on what you are doing in the media world. You are a huge inspiration to all of us; especially the African community. tres bien! My dilemma is as follows.. I have been with my girlfriend for nearly 8 months now and I am in love with her mother. It’s mad I know. I’m 24 years old and I love my girlfriends mum. I prefer to stay over at my girls place just so I can be close to her mum. When I see her at the dinner table looking like a scrumptious meal I feel like giving it all up and having myself deep in her guts and rearranging her organs. My girl is attractive don’t get me wrong, but she’s second best to her mum. Part of me wants to grow old with my girl so I can see her turn into her mum; she’s nearly there just not fully. I think of my girls mum when I’m penetrating her, I feel bad but it’s so satisfying in a naughty way. I’ve been tempted to accidentally walk into the bathroom whilst she’s showering or even leave the bedroom door slightly open whilst I stroke my dragon or maybe I could just say something to her? I don’t know. It’s the way she looks at me, starring into my eyes like she’s looking at my soul and my deeper feelings. Maybe it’s my 13 year old inner child coming to the forefront. I don’t know how I should move forward, any advice?
5. June 2017
This is so inappropriate. Fantasies are normal but this sounds like you’re close to trying to fulfil it. You and I both know what you’re thinking is wrong. Perhaps this might be an indication that this relationship isn’t for you, especially when all you think about is her mum.
Hi oloni, So I’ve been feeling a little down recently. No boy has ever approached me or been interested in me romantically, I’ve had one night stands but the guys were usually crazy drunk so I dunno if that counts. Even on tinder I actually haven’t matched with anyone and I keep swiping, it’s like no ones interested in me. I don’t think I’m that attractive so maybe it’s that. So recently I decided to start taking the first move, if I saw a guy I liked whether I was shopping or in a club I would approach them and talk to them. I’ve been so unsuccessful at this. One guy in the club called after I said hi to me said he’s gay, walked away and then 10 minutes later I see him kissing up another girl, that really hurt. There was a time I was in Tesco and I asked a guy for his number I dialled it and it turned out to be a fake number, this all happened whilst he was in front of me. I just feel so unwanted and I don’t know what to do. What do you think I’m doing wrong and why won’t guys approach me? I just feel so unwanted and ugly and I need help
5. June 2017
I’m a firm believer in thinking that there’s someone for EVERYONE! Especially good people. I love your confidence and determination to find love! The only advice I have would be to not give up. Have you ever thought about joining a match making agency? There are several around. They’re discreet, helpful and you have someone who can do all the work for you, in terms of finding a new love interest. Give it a google and do some research. You’ll be surprised by how many men also find it hard to meet someone so please do not be too down on yourself.
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