Simply Oloni Nominated for Best Sex and Relationships in the Cosmo Blog Awards
Have you heard??? Simply Oloni has made the cut! Yes, it’s been shortlisted for the Cosmopolitan Blog Awards this year. I’m so incredibly grateful for making it this far and believe Simply Oloni deserves to win. Click HERE to make it happen.
If you need a little convincing as to why, how about you have a look at the things that have been accomplished in this last year. Are you ready? Look below!
The Number Between Her Legs – October 2014 The release of my second eBook
Free phone calls for sex & relationship dilemmas – January 2015 – My second phone line blew up for two whole hours after allowing women and even men to call me for absolutely free! They shared their dilemmas with me privately and it was a very interesting experience. This was something I volunteered to do once every two weeks for a few months.
Simply Oloni’s Mingling Soiree – February 2015 – First dating event hosted by Simply Oloni for the over 21’s and singles.
London Live – February 2015 – Discussing whether or not 50 Shades of Grey glamorises domestic abuse.
100 Questions – April 2015 – Third eBook answering 100 of the most popular dilemmas sent to me.
simplyoloni.com/ask – April 2015 – I decided to take a huge leap and move from ask.fm where people anonymously asked me questions and moved it to my website answering over 141 pages worth of questions. (Nearly every day might I add)
Simply Oloni’s Mingling Soiree 2 – July 2015 – The second dating event hosted by Simply Oloni
Coaching services and webinars – July 2015 – Coaching services and online webinar about dating and relationships.
Pride Magazine columns titled Ask Oloni – August 2015 – answering sex and relationship dilemmas
Cosmopolitan Blog Awards Nomination for Best Sex and Relationship – October 2015
In my 8 years of blogging on Simply Oloni this has been my busiest year ever. From keeping this blog consistent with interesting topics on sex and relationships, to using my social media to stir up continuous debates, having radio interviews and hosting shows.. it’s probably been my favourite too. I’ve seen the growth in what I do and seen how women are able to relate to it as it helps them. That’s why I need you to vote. If you’d love to see this blog get recognised, then you know what to do!