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Grab a copy of The Big O: An empowering guide to loving, dating and f**king

Ladies, shall we have some Brunch? Come celebrate International Women’s Day March 8th. Eat, laugh and make some new girlfriends!

Hey Oloni, I have had enough! My boyfriend wants sex everyday and on demand… I could be in the middle of making lunch and he’ll creep up behind me to begin initiating sex. It was cute when we first got together but nearly two years in and I’m happy with sex 3/4 times a week and also the contraceptive I am on is messing with my libido. It’s causing great friction in our relationship. Should we call it quits? I have tried to spice it up but it lasts for a while before it slowly starts to go back to the norm. I’m running g out of things to do to make this work. Please help! 8. January 2019

Hey hun! It’s very common for contraception to screw with your libidio due to the hormones.

Have you told him it’s too much for you? Have you explained how you don’t find his advances as cute as before? These are comments he NEEDS to hear.

Explain to him what you’ve told me. Some couples definitely do go through periods where their sexual energies aren’t on the same level… So I want you to understand that even if you weren’t on contraception, it wouldn’t be unsual.



What’s a good response if he doesn’t want to use a condom? 8. January 2019

“Do you want kids? Wow. I’ve always wanted them to have your eyes, your lips. Not your head or nose though. Your head is big. I think you take after your dad.”

Found out this guy I’ve been seeing for 6 months has a long term girlfriend. My friend decided to text the girl and tell her he’s been cheating but she ignored the message. What should I do now? 8. January 2019

Wait for her to text back.

Hi oloni, there’s this one super fine black guy in my office and we’re the only black people at our company. I would love to go out with him but he’s never given me the time of day. Any time he sees me he just waves and goes on about his business. Should I take it as he’s not interested? 8. January 2019

Start a convo with him! Ask how his weekend was.. ask if he has plans for the weekend. Work on it from there.. for now..



Hi Oloni. First time messaging! I was hooking up with a guy on and off for a year and have been going out with him as bf/gf now for 6 months. 3 months in I saw messages on his phone to a girl on Instagram arranging to meet up whilst he was on holiday. He said he never went through with it. I agreed to move past it and work through. Now 3 months later (6months in) I found out he recently slept with one of his old female friends. He’s said he’s genuinely sorry and will never let it or anything similar happen again. That he wants us for the long term. It’s been a month since this happened and I don’t know whether to give him one final chance. Any advice please? 8. January 2019

He’s so sloppy and I don’t believe he didn’t meet up with that girl on holiday. You just didn’t have proof, the way you do this time. It just sounds like he can’t keep his dick in his pants and after some time, will only continue to cheat. It’s sensible to leave. Make sure you also get a check up!


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