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Hi oloni, me and my ex boyfriend was together for 6½ years and throughout the ENTIRE relationship he was lying and cheating, we broke 8 months ago and havent spoken since ( bare in mind his had a new girlfriend since) But he tells his and my friends that what he has with his girlfriend is not real just to past time, however on her side it looks like the relationship could be going somewhere, also he calls and texts numerous times , and he tells me he misses me and wants us to be friends? what should i do? Im confused.
4. July 2015
This friendship has no positive foundation block and delete his number
Hi Oloni. After 2 months of not hearing anything from my boyfriend (he disappeared), he messaged me and brushed it off by saying that he was sorry and didn’t mean to come across the way I thought. Before he stopped talking to me, which was completely random btw because we were on such good terms, I was going through an episode (I have depression) so I was very ill at the time and had family stress. He knew this and failed to see how I was doing and I told him this. He’s not replies to any of my messages and I think he’s even deleted me off Facebook. It’s definitely over between us both, him not replying made things absolutely final but I just want to know why. I am so hurt
4. July 2015
You’re hurt because you’re disappointed, because you’ve been let down by someone who meant a lot to you. It hurts, it’s upsetting… but do you know what? You will be fine. You don’t need let downs in your life. I can tell you want closure, and would like an explanation, but two months is a very long time. What good would it do? Sometimes closure isn’t necessary. We just act like it is. A day or two of going on a hiatus with an excuse can be listened to, but two months just shows he checked out of the relationship, without being grown enough to explain why.
hi oloni, my best friend and I have recently grown apart simply because she’s living a fast life and I’m still at uni. I feel like she’s become this new person which I’m not really fond of, and a few months back a few people accused her of being an escort but at the time I wasn’t convinced that she was one because she kind of justified herself that she was working in ‘Canary Wharf’ and that’s where all the money was coming from. But now she goes on last minute holidays with grown men and then she tries to cover it up by saying that she still works. But I know her as a person that has never liked working and she has lied to me few times now about where she works. So this is where my doubts come in as to whether she might actually be an escort. Because she has always been loose from an early age. I wanna talk to her about it but I don’t know how to approach her about the situation, knowing her she’ll just flip it and say that I’m jealous of her ‘lifestyle’.
4. July 2015
I think you need to leave her to do whatever she’s doing. Unless she’s doing something that affects your well being, leave this situation alone.
My boyfriend and I have been together a few years now and I cannot stand his family!! He always wants me to be around them and I hate being fake. They’re usually pretty nice to me but they are so rude and nasty towards him, especially his mom and grandmother and it really rubs me the wrong way because he is my man. The fact that he’s always kissing their behinds makes me even more mad! When I told him I don’t like the way they talk to and about him he got really defensive and said if I don’t have anything nice to say about them, not to say anything at all. A few days later, I went to his grandma’s house and her and his aunt was saying lot of nasty and negative things about him but I kept my mouth shut because I knew that I’d snap if I said anything. I let him know what they were saying about him and he says “Well why didn’t you defend me?” I was so confused because he got so defensive when I spoke about them before.. If this happens again what should I do? Should I defend my man or should I just mind my business and not cause confrontation??
4. July 2015
Say nothing it’s not your place. When you told him how you felt uncomfortable with what they were saying, he shot you down. Now he wants you to defend him? So you can get cussed out too? No. You have another conversation with him and let him know you find it quite awkward that they can be so disrespectful about him in your presence. Also reduce how often you go till things change, and he stands up for himself. You shouldn’t have to be forced to sit in an uncomfortable environment.
Hi Oloni, I’ve was seeing this guy for a while, we had sex and he suddenly stopped communicating (I know this tends to be the thing some guys after having sex, well a week later I sent him a sex explaining how I felt. A week later he messages means tells me he’s in another country and be back for a while. In my true style I called the number and it wrong as though he wasin another country. However the following two days I called and it rang with a UK dialling tone; I also found out that company he works for doesn’t even have a branch in the country he mentioned. Do you think this was just a stupid move to stop talking to me? Thanks in advance 🙂
4. July 2015
Don’t waste your breath. This guy isn’t serious about you at all.
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