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Hi Oloni, Hope you are well! Okay so I know your all clued up on smear tests on what not. I recently had mine and it came back that I have HPV but no abnormal cells, so I just have to go back for another smear in one year. My question is, do you think this is something that I should be discussing with my partner? Is it that serious? I’ve read up on it and all the info is a bit scary tbh. Thanks in advance girl X 15. May 2019

Heya, yeah I think any conversations around health should be ones to have with your partner.



Hey Oloni, what does it mean when my boyfriend likes pics of random girls in bikinis on IG? 15. May 2019

It means he likes women in bikinis and if his girlfriend has an issue with it, she should talk to him directly about it.


How do I continue having casual sex with herpes? 15. May 2019

See a sexual health nurse for more advice, but always use condoms. Educate your sexual partner on what herpes is and never have sex during an outbreak.


So I’ve been seeing this guy for a year or so, but when I ask him when is our “anniversary” he says he doesn’t know… bare in mind he hasn’t been loyal to me on some occasions eg he’ll blatantly check out other girls who have their breast out etc, he lied about not having Instagram (I’ve never been fussed about social media- just found it strange he lied to me about it?..) both our parents know about each other and he says he wants to marry me, but I don’t trust him because of how he has been with me in the past (lying, not being loyal etc). Should I work on it or just let it go???? I can easily get over things (but I do like him a lot) what would your advice be?😭 15. May 2019

Please move tf on.


OLONI HELP PLS S.O.S! My bf has been lying about his salary for x2 years and I’ve only just discovered as we are moving in together. He told me he earned over £35k but when we declared our joint income, I found out that he earns only £21k. I am the breadwinner and I am bewildered. I asked him why he lied and his response was “Every man tells white lies to impress women”. We are still in the process of signing documents for the property but I’m really feeling shakey about this HUGE decision, our relationship and him as a person now. I feel strange knowing that I earn more and that he’s kept this under wraps. I don’t want to appear superficial or materialistic by taking a break from us or putting off the move… Especially as he thinks it’s so minor and doesn’t get what my issue is with this. Please advise on how this situation could be approached and on if my feelings towards this are valid of not? (P.s. big fan, love you x) 15. May 2019

Saying he didn’t see your missed call is a white lie. Saying you look extremely amazing as he tries to rush you out the door for dinner reservations, even though he’s not really fond of the dress you’re wearing is a white lie.

Fibbing about how much he makes because of his fragile ego is just bizarre. You’d have thought that he would have eventually come clean after a couple of months, but to lie for two years, again is insane. Your feelings are valid, because if he can lie about this for so long what else is he hiding from you?

You do need to have a conversation and express how you feel, he knows what he did was wrong so don’t allow him to manipulate the situation. If he never wanted to disclose how much he made to you prior, then that would have been fine, but this is just a form of financial infidelity which has to be addressed.

It’s up to you to decide what you’d like to do in terms of continuing the relationship after speaking on the matter. Is this something you can forgive? Is how much your partner makes a big deal breaker for you? Is being a bloody liar a deal breaker for you?


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