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Hi Oloni, huge fan of you and what you do! So, me and my boyfriend just had a baby but he hasn’t helped me at all financially with the baby and I’m starting to get frustrated about it. I’ve mentioned it and he keeps saying that he’s getting himself together then he’ll help. I’m considering just leaving him and doing this by myself because I’d rather do it alone knowing that I’m actually alone. Am I overreacting or should I give him a chance? If so, how long should I wait?
17. June 2019
You definitely need to dump him. It’s disgusting that he hasn’t helped you at all with the upkeep of both your child. It’s also extremely irresponsible. He’s leaving everything for you to handle which is worrying. If he was serious about making sure his child had nappies or food to eat he’d have found a way to make money during your pregnancy. Get him on CSA as soon as and find ways the government can also help you and your child. Good luck and congratulations!
Hi Oloni, when me and my fiance have a argument/fall out he doesn’t speak to me he can literally give me silent treatment for days!! Is
17. June 2019
That’s not okay and something you need to discuss with him before you think about getting married. Perhaps see a marriage counsellor. Having a fall out is completely normal, couples disagree all the time. What matters is how you both choose to resolve the issue, the silent treatment shouldn’t be part of it.
I have my own place and my boyfriend doesn’t. He stays over very often and some of his things are here. Should he be paying partial rent?
30. May 2019
Hey Oloni, If a man constantly makes sexual insinuations/ innuendos in the very early stages of dating, does that indicate that he only wants sex? (This is after warning him not to). He seems very playful generally and like it’s just a part of his personality as he does treat me like a lady.
30. May 2019
Men who talk about sex or make innuendos around sex are trying their luck. I personally think it’s creepy especially if you’re clearly not going along with it. It’s also clearly what he’s after. Run
Hi Oloni, is it unreasonable to expect your boyfriend not to like other girls pictures on Instagram/twitter. It makes me feel insecure when he does and in the past I’ve found out that he has gone on to messages some of these girls and although I’ve forgiven him for that, you can understand why I don’t like it when I see him liking pictures because in my head it’s not just necessarily a like it could be more. He thinks there is nothing wrong with it and says it’s just a like but in the past it hasn’t been just a like. Basically I think it’s wrong for him to do it given the circumstances but I would like another opinion. Thanks x
30. May 2019
If it’s caused issues in the past, it’s understandable as to why it would make you uncomfortable. However you can’t be in control of his actions. You’ve told him how you feel, and he’s not listening, so what will you do now?
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