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Ladies, shall we have some Brunch? Come celebrate International Women’s Day March 8th. Eat, laugh and make some new girlfriends!

Hi Oloni, there’s a Muslim girl who teaches my son in primary school who is incredibly beautiful however she wears the clothes Muslim girls wear. Being a non-Muslim I feel like that is stopping me from wanting to talk to her. I honestly do not know what to do. Help a brother out! 8. January 2017

Why would her religious clothing stop you from pursuing her? You sound really shy if I’m honest. I think you should find a bit of courage just to simply introduce yourself. Be careful though, this is your sons teacher we’re talking about lol. Good luck hun


hi oloni, basically to cut it short I’m in a relationship but me and my ex are still in love with each other and we’re still intimate but we can’t be together, I’m in love with my man but I’m also falling back in love with my ex. i don’t want to break up with my man or tell him whats going on because i don’t want to lose him but i don’t know what to do about my current situation. its hard because my ex feels like home because we’ve been through so much we’ve known each other since 16 and now we’re 21(he was my first for everything btw) 8. January 2017

So basically you’re selfish and you’re finding a million and one ways to sugarcoat that fact. You’re also feeling sorry for yourself when you know deep down nobody has time for that.  Do better. Someone has to go. You cannot be playing with feelings like this, the fact is what you’re doing to your boyfriend is horrible, whether or not that’s your intention. Personally I’d say leave your boyfriend and figure out what you want, no-one wants to be in a relationship with someone who is still in love with their ex, I’m sure you wouldn’t either. No-one is saying rush, take your time, but do so outside of this situation. Stop wasting peoples time and playing with their emotions. Confusion is a part of life but you’re robbing yourself of great experiences if you insist on basking in it and not finding solutions. ps. you’re still young, you’ll get over your first soon enough…a couple years from now you’ll realise he’s probably the ugliest in his batch….


or you could be happily married. Who knows?



So recently a boy who I have been friends with for a while has been showing more of an interest in me than usual but he has a long term girlfriend. He has seen me out a few times and has been complementary and hugging/Dancing with me. He also texts me 24/7 and tries to keep conversation alive with questions and complements when I try to be blunt in respect of his girlfriend. Shall I confront him about how I think this is inappropriate or shall I just see this as a close friendship. I would just completely ignore him but I don’t want to lose him as a friend! Any advice will be helpful thankyou 8. January 2017



Let’s be real, he doesn’t rate you or his girlfriend if he’s 100% doing things his girlfriend would be uncomfortable with (I have to say that because you never know they might be trying to recruit you lol). Tell him it’s making you uncomfortable and you wish to be treated otherwise. It doesn’t have to be complicated, just let him know you’re not a mug. Don’t downplay it, it irked you enough to write in about it, so now tell him how you feel.



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Hi Oloni, Basically last year i decided i want to get closer to God and i felt sex has been one of the main things that keep making me feel distant from God so i decided to stop having sex with my boyfriend and we haven’t for about 6 months now, but lately he’s been really depressed about our relationship and our lack of intimacy, I’m really afraid he’ll cheat on me or even break up with me because whenever he gets too flirty i reject him because i know his intentions and it really hurts him, I love him and i want to be with him but i need him to respect what i’m trying to do. I wanted us to do this together but it’s getting too hard for him and it’s putting a lot of pressure on our relationship, He keeps telling me ‘your my wife’ and that ‘in future we’ll get married’ its just really hard and i know i shouldn’t have had sex with him in the first place because now its almost impossible to stop i just don’t know what to do. 8. January 2017

Hey lovely,

Let me keep it real. You chose to embark on this  journey, he did not. As nice as it would be for him to be 100% down for the cause, that’s not how life works especially when you’re dealing with something like sex. He needs to be in the same space you’re in or it will not work. There’s also no point forcing it, you’ll end up hurting yourself. I think if this matters so much to you, you need to be willing to let your relationship go in pursuit of that, that should have been the mindset before you embarked on this journey. You should not be in a relationship if you constantly fear your partner will cheat, that’s a huge NO.

You started off compatible but if he values regular sex the way you value celibacy then at least for now you need to accept that you’re incompatible and act accordingly, being fair to the both of you. Sit down and talk, do not impose your wishes upon him. Tell him to be brutally honest, does he think he can do this relationship without sex? If he say’s no and you are unwilling to compromise, let this relationship go. He could come around later and you’ll get back together or you may change your mind on your desires/view of sex. Only time will tell, but for now get the clarity you need and make a decision.



I dated this guy for 4 years than we broke up. Afterwards he started to do things to get back at me for ending it, like hookinh up with his exes, flirting with girls in front of me, finding a problem with me for no reason, he even sent my best friend nudes. Now he wants to do bestie bestie but the thing is I still have some feelings for him but he’s a bastard after everything he did. What do I do? 8. January 2017

Do better by blocking him on everything, you already know your feelings for this breed of bastard are of the devil, his only purpose is to scatter your life, don’t open that door.



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