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Ladies, shall we have some Brunch? Come celebrate International Women’s Day March 8th. Eat, laugh and make some new girlfriends!

Hi oloni, I was dating a guy on and off for 6 years, it is now officially come to and end to the point of no return. I’ve recently started talking to someone else that I believe is perfect for me but this person is his cousin and they are really close, I know that he doesn’t know that I’m talking to his cousin but am I fooling myself in thinking that anything could happen between in terms of beating to being together. I don’t hate my ex enough to be ok to rip his family apart but at the same time this is the only male that I’ve felt any interest in. 16. January 2017

Hey hun, I don’t see this going particularly well because this is his cousin we’re talking about. You also dated for 6 years, not 6 months. Have a conversation with him and see how he feels about it.


Hey Oloni, I’ve been seeing this guy for 7 months now and because of his family suituations and uni he has not been working or making much money else where. We have been on serveral dates and I have paid for everything every time. At first I didn’t mind because I had hope that he would find a job, but he hasn’t. I had paid his phone bills, topped up his gas/electric and given him money. He is such a nice guy and I’ve known him for over 4 years where we were just friends. Now it’s getting very draining because I feel like he is becoming comfortable and the drive to find a job has died down. I’m not rich but I make enough money for myself and my priorities. Now he doesn’t even wait for me to offer to pay for things, he will even ask. I don’t know what to do? He is a really nice guy makes me laugh, listens to me and generally makes me happy. I just feel like his financial state is weighing me down. 15. January 2017

You need to share your concerns with him. You have every right to feel the way you do, but hun, what you allow is what will continue. Stop paying for everything, you’re not his mother or guardian. The fact that he’s so relaxed about everything is also quite concerning.

If nothing changes after you express how you feel, please let this guy go.


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Hello Oloni, whilst on my dads phone I went on safari to look for something and on his recent tabs I saw that he has been looking for escorts in the area, I had recently seen this on his phone several months beforehand but i just thought it was an accident or something. i feel like he may be cheating on my mum. what shall i do? 15. January 2017

You take a mental note and mind your own business. Unless you literally have proof of your dad cheating I think you should stay out of it. He could have just been having a cheeky google, nothing serious.


So I have been with my boyfriend just under 3 years and recently I’ve had the urge to cheat on him with a past lover. I know this is wrong and I don’t think I’ll ever go through with it because I love my boyfriend and would never hurt I’m like that but I can’t stop thinking about this other guy. I imainge senarios in my head about us two, get really excited when he calls me or texts but I know from the past we wouldn’t work and tbh I’m not even that physically attracted to him so I don’t know what it is about him. I have a good relationship with my boyfriend but I just keep thinking about this other guy. 15. January 2017

Fantasising about an old flame is normal, but when you start to think about actually cheating it becomes a bit of a problem. You need to figure out why these urges are coming and also stop speaking to this ex love interest…so cut off calling and texting each other, it won’t help your case if you plan on being faithful to your current.


Hi Oloni, I recently told my girlfriend (now ex), that I wanted to have sex. She wasn’t ready yet, so I had to cut things off. After dumping her it’s been like a month, I have been having sex with another girl. I don’t like this girl as much as my ex girlfriend. The question I have is do I contact my ex because she has this spark that I can’t find anywhere. Help I’ve made a terrible mistake and she has blocked me off all her social media. She changed her number and her friends do not like me, after my behaviour towards her. Thanks. 15. January 2017

Hey love, I think you should leave her alone. It’s clear she wants nothing to do with you. It’s unfair to come back after you’ve finished getting your nut elsewhere.


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