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Hi oloni, so my boyfriend has broke up with me because someone has said to him I have cheated which isn’t true, he won’t give me any information about who said it and he’s made it clear he’s done with me unless I admitt to cheating but as I haven’t cheated I’m not going to admit to something I haven’t done, I don’t know what to do as I’m in complete shock as to why anyone would say that, I really don’t know what to do
1. May 2017
Your boyfriend sounds stupid. He can’t accuse you of something with no evidence or at least zero info. If that’s how he’s going to act, then leave him be till he comes to his senses. You haven’t done anything wrong, so don’t even worry about it.
Hi Oloni, so I’ve been talking to this girl for a while and we have come to really like each other. In the brink of going the next step of making her gf (and potential wifey) I realized she’s sisters with a girl I used to have casual sex with, two years ago. The real issue for me here is entering a new relationship with baggage. I believe this is an area which could cause issues, especially as this girl knows her sister and I have history. I’m thinking of pulling the plug here (reluctantly as I really like this girl) but I don’t know if I’m doing the right thing?
1. May 2017
Oh noo! Tricky. Have you spoken to her about it properly? If not do so and ask how she feels.
I know this would cause a bit of a problem for most sisters, cousins or even friends.. so the best thing to do right now is to explain what’s going through your head.
Hi Oloni, I don’t know if this question should be asked here as it isn’t necessarily about relationships per se but it is still sexual related lol…anyway here goes…I’ve heard conflicting things about the morning after pill in regards to infertility and what not. I read online that no matter how many times you take it it can’t actually make you infertile and this is also what the clinic people have told me but I’ve heard bare people say if you take it 3 times or more a year it can. Now here’s my dilemma lol: I took it around 7 times in just under a year (yh I know, not the best idea) around 2015. It fucked up my body so much but I did not want to go on birth control cos of the horror stories that I have heard and continue to hear. Eventually I just stopped taking them but still continued to have unprotected sex. There were times where I would have sex around my ovulation period and the boy would buss inside me and I wouldn’t take any emergency contraception but I have never gotten pregnant when in theory I should have at least once. Ngl I’m starting to think my fertility might actually have been affected but I don’t know what to do like is there a way I could go to the clinic to find out how fertile I am? l love your work btw keep it up girl x
1. May 2017
I just want to say thank you so much for sharing this honest experience. From what I’ve also read and been taught the morning after pill can’t make you infertile. It’s not healthy if you take it each and every time you have sex.. but not because it will affect your ferility in the future.
I would suggest you book an appointment with a sexual health nurse to talk about your concerns. I also think you should stop having unprotected sex immediately as the pill/morning after pill will never protect you from sexual transmitted infections, which in itself is more likely to mess up your fertility.
Having sex is amazing, but after experiencing an orgasm, there’s no better feeling than knowing you were safe about it.
When you do book an appointment ask about contraception so they are able to suggest what is perfect for YOU. Make sure you get a check up also.
Hi oloni, So I’ve been going out with my boyfriend for 5 months and now are relationship is on the brink. So he recently found out that in all my past relationships, 5 to be exact, I was the one who cheated. I know what I’ve done was bad and I’ve tried to move past it but now my boyfriend has serious trust issues with me. He says ever since he’s found out he’s noticed some red flags about me that he didn’t notice before. He hasn’t judged me or tried to make me feel bad but he has admitted he’s struggling to trust me and is quite paranoid whenever I talk to other guys in a friendly way. He says I’m overtly friendly and touchy with other men which he didn’t think was a big deal before but now it makes him feel in his head that I’m fucking everyone and anyone. The thing is I’m naturally like that and I don’t know what to do. I really want to move on from my past behaviour and I really love my boyfriend and I have no intentions of cheating on him. He so good to me and so caring but this information is bugging him so much. He’s never cheated but has cheated on before so I see where he’s coming from. What do I have to do to ease his mind and make him trust me? I haven’t broken his trust but as it’s early days it’s almost like we’re regressing. Please any advise will HELP!!
24. April 2017
Wowser. Okay sis, you’re going to have to have another conversation with him. I’m talking stick the kettle on type of conversation..
Explain to him what you’ve told me in terms of it being your past and how you feel about him. If he feels that you’re a particular way with men, then he should have said prior to hearing that information. If this is going to work, you have to ask for him to continue to trust you, especially if you haven’t done anything in this relationship to make him feel like he’s unable to.
Hi oloni, So I completely forgot my boyfriends birthday and didn’t realise until I watched his snap at like 1am the next day. He hadn’t talked about the date much since he first told me so I didn’t register it in my brain much. So we had an argument a 3 days before his birthday and he said some really mean things in the moment and I was so mad I aired all his messages. He apologised to me via email I saw it but still left him on silent treatment. So after I watch his snap I was just about to call him to apologise and then he sends me a crazy long message of how upset he was that even after saying sorry I couldn’t even be bothered to say happy birthday or at least call him. I know it reads like I don’t care about him but I really do love him. I was just so upset because of our argument, now he wants a break from me and I really want to get him back. I’ve been so stressed and even cried when I went to see him but he’s just been so cold to me, it’s like he’s completely done. I’m still scared to say I forgot cause that night just finish us completely. Our relationship is so good and he treats me so so well. Please any advice will help!!!
24. April 2017
Okay, first things first.. add his birthday to your phone calendar. Next.. you two will be absolutely fine, you just need to give him some time to come around. It sounds like he’s pulling this stunt out of pride because he did everything possible to talk to you. You’ll both be okay, just learn from this and stop airing your boyfriend when you have a misunderstanding. If he says another foul thing, address it the situation rather than pretending he doesn’t exist.
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