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5 Lessons You Learn When You Are Torn Between Two Guys

It can be emotionally exhausting liking two people at once, I mean, liking one person can be complicated enough but when you add another to the mix it can cause a stir in your love life and create a concoction that leaves you with an unpleasant aftertaste. What if you can never decide and you just want both? Sometimes you may even find yourself wishing you could combine the best qualities from the two to make one person so all your problems can be solved. But as confusing as things may be in this situation it also allows you to learn new things about yourself here are five lessons liking two people at once can teach you:

You cannot help who you fall for:

Time really waits for no man or for you to be ready for one. It doesn’t give you a moment to catch your breath before you turn your heel and knock into another guy you could potentially be with. You may have found that one or both of the guys you have fallen for are not exactly your usual type. It can be difficult to grasp complete control of your emotions even if you are adamant that a guy must live up to your standards. All logic can go out the window when strong emotions take over and requirements, expectations and things you were absolutely certain would be relationship deal breakers can soon follow your emotions right off that window ledge.


Make dating your relationship status:

Oloni has always emphasized the importance of making dating a relationship status. It allows you to separate unrealistic expectations in a relationship from what you actually need. You are trying something new, it’s a time for trial and error, experiences and most importantly it’s about you having fun while you figure out exactly what it is you want out of a romantic relationship. It’s easy to fall for an idea of being with someone or someone’s potential. Dating allows you to see if you are actually ready.


Monogamy isn’t for everybody:

This situation could aid you in re-evaluating whether monogamy is for you. You might find yourself questioning whether it’s possible to just be with one person since you find yourself having feelings for someone else. Maybe you are in a relationship and you cannot keep your gaze focused solely on your partner. Does this mean you love your partner any less? Do you know how to love and how you want to be loved? What’s wrong with being with more than one person? These thoughts might possibly have you toying with the idea of exploring different types of relationships like an open or three-way relationship.

(RECOMMENDED READING: 6 Things We Can All Learn From Three-Way Relationships)


There is no rush to get into a relationship:

Just like time waits for no man neither should you. You don’t have to stay in a situation that no longer benefits you. But just because time isn’t waiting for you this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be patient with yourself. There’s no rush. You can take as long as you need to figure things out and liking two people at the same time is simply a reminder of this. (RECOMMENDED READING: #SITUATIONSHIPS)


It is not impossible to fall for someone again:

You may have been heartbroken to the point where you could not imagine feeling the way you felt that one person again. Different people bring out different emotions out in all of us and maybe you are not supposed to feel the way you felt for a particular person again because that experience was specifically between you and that individual. You will find someone who will cause you to feel the same type of emotions you feel when you like someone but differently. This might even be the case right now with you and the two people you like. It may be clear who you like more, there could be a significant difference or it could fluctuate or switch depending on who you get along with the most at the particular moment in time. We all know emotions can be fickle and in an instant, your feelings towards someone can change. So although today there are two there’s no telling where your emotions might take you tomorrow.


Have you ever been torn between two guys? Share your experiences on this topic by tweeting us over at @Simply Oloni

Simply Oloni's Sex & Relationships Editor. I'm either writing or thinking about what to write next.

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