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6 Signs You Are In A Cyclical Relationship

Cyclical relationships. There is nothing about this type of relationship that doesn’t cause your head to spin – not the stomach surging highs, the soul crushing lows or even that moment in between where the chaos has settled down and you actually feel like you are in a fully functioning relationship for once. You continue to go back and forth – you leave, to come back, to leave again. You can’t get enough – even when you have had enough. It’s almost like you are in a love hate relationship with your love hate relationship – here are some signs that this could definitely be the case:

Intense attraction:

The attraction between the two of you is strong and it doesn’t go unnoticed by others – maybe you can’t even explain why it still exists when the long list of cons you drew up about the relationship is enough to have put you off still sticking around. But that’s the thing about attraction it can still exist in the messiest of situations and there is no denying the fact that this the person makes you happy because when things are good – it’s really good.

The person knows what makes you tick and does so regularly:

Your partner has the power to get to you. They know exactly what buttons to push, as do you – emotional manipulation is a card that makes a regular appearance in your relationship and you both know how to use that trick well, navigating it around the games the two of you play. You both have the ability to destroy one another emotionally.

Explosive arguments:

What would be a petty argument to some turns into the most frustrating on-going war between the two of you – your arguments are explosive, occasionally overdramatic and just like every other aspect of your relationship – it is intense, you say the most volatile things to one another, things you then hold against one another. When there is an argument nothing ever gets resolved you just “move on” until the next argument when all these issues resurface.

Amazing make up sex:

The sex is great especially after an argument – what better way to reignite the passion, to remind you just how much of a good thing you to have together? It is just as explosive as your arguments, as you bask in the afterglow of your orgasm, you examine the intimacy between you two, the sexual chemistry and even though you can’t forget what you were both arguing about…in that moment all of that mess doesn’t matter – you remember the love you two have and sometimes when the memory gets a little hazy again arguments may be purposely sparked to get that rush of emotion back, to evoke that warm, fuzzy feeling of love and lust.

Dissolving trust:

The more times the relationship is broken and pieced back together the more you may anticipate that it will keep happening which will eventually weaken the trust. Your unresolved issues frequently get dismissed in hopes of starting afresh with a clean slate where you convince yourself everything the two of you did before is in the past. Isn’t refusing to acknowledge a problem just another way of acknowledging that there is a problem? Isn’t lack of communication about the issues that caused you both to blow up like airbrushing all the cracks and potholes in the relationship? Can it still be real without trust?

 You secretly love the drama:

Your relationship is just a burst of conflicting emotions, all so intense, all so frustratingly addictive and deep down you know you love it, you love the unpredictability and excitement that comes with being with the person keeps you on your toes. The pain hurts so good – so despite the fact that sometimes you feel like your sanity is slowly being chipped away, it’s exhilarating. The relationship never really sits stably and you walk across eggshells and wobbly ground at times but as much as you may complain about it to your friends, as much as you may say you are done and never coming back, you know you are not going anywhere and you love it but you will continue to deny it.

You keep going back:

The fact that the person keeps trying, despite the arguments and going back and forth you two are still together and this fact causes you to hesitate when you feel like you have really had enough. The realisation that you have invested so much time and effort into something only for it to end so abruptly pains you. The person is someone you are attached to and feel has seen you at your best and your worst, you have said and done horrible things to each other but the love is still there. You still feel like you haven’t really left and it is never really over even after you have screamed it is, you have deleted and blocked his number but you still expect him to find a way to communicate with you, end up at your door, tell you that you are being silly – or maybe you initiate the next round of your relationship, telling yourself once again that this time will be different…making your cyclical relationship come full circle.

Relationship Coaching 


Simply Oloni's Sex & Relationships Editor. I'm either writing or thinking about what to write next.

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