The ‘What Type Of Person Are You In A Relationship?’ Quiz
Take this quick and fun quiz to find out what type of character you are/ would be in a relationship. Simply add up the points to each scenario or question given then find out below what type of person you’d be. Be as honest as you can when taking the quiz, so do not cheat, or you’ll miss out on the purpose. You can only pick one answer from each scenario.
When you’ve completed it share your score with your followers with the hashtag #SimplyOloniQuiz
Let the quiz begin, no cheating!
1) Your third date with him would be?
Bowling, and snapchatting as he throws a gutter ball 15 pts
Going to his house for ‘Netflix and Chill’. After all, it is a third date, what’s the harm? 20 pts
A restaurant of any choice, you’re not picky. So long as the food is good. 10 pts
The cinema you both go dutch on tickets and food. 5 pts
2) What type of question are you most likely to ask on a first date?
Have you got any kids? 15 pts
How long have you had your car for? 10 pts
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 5 pts
What happened in your last relationship? 20 pts
3) If you were cheated on what are you most likely to do?
Get the number of the girl he cheated on you with to hear her side of the story. 15 pts
Talk to your girls about it. Break up with him for some time, then go back. This blip isn’t going to ruin your relationship. 20 pts
Call Oloni or send her your dilemma. 5 pts
Leave. Once a cheater always a cheater. 10 pts
4) What part of the relationship is the most important to you?
Communication and compromising 15 pts
Money and holidays away. You just want to enjoy the life you’re living. 20 pts
Physical attraction 10 pts
Being each other’s cheerleader 5 pts
5) Your boyfriend of a year usually leaves his phone out, but recently has started being secretive with it. What do you do?
Ask him why he’s being so secretive and discuss it. 5 pts
It’s his phone, he can do what he wants. You trust him. 20 pts
Wait for him to sleep and enter the passcode to have a snoop. 15 pts
Make passive aggressive comments about the situation. 10 pts
6) You’ve been in a 4 month relationship with your boyfriend and your mate from university is getting married in two weeks. You..
Mention it to him and ask him to be your plus one 20 pts
We’ve only been together for 4 months, I’ll tell him about it, but he doesn’t need to come. 5 pts
Drop hints about the wedding and whether he’d like to come along. 15 pts
Not mention it at all 10 pts
7) How would you resolve an argument with your partner?
Make up sex 20 pts
Talking about it and compromising 5 pts
Giving in 15 pts
Advice from family or friends 10 pts
8) What is your biggest turn off?
Not taking initiative 10 pts
Untidiness 15 pts
Stubbornness 5 pts
Shyness 20 pts
9) You’ve been dating for 5 months but he’s cancelled on you three times in a row, now you..
Aren’t that bothered because you’re dating two other men. 5 pts
Pull him up on it and ask him what’s going on as you really like him. 10 pts
Text him a long paragraph explaining how disappointed you are then block him on all social media. 20 pts
Ignore his phone calls for some time and play hard to get. 15 pts
10) You’re intimate for the first time. You’re not enjoying it so you..
Fake it till you make it 10 pts
Guide him and show him how you enjoy being pleased. 5 pts
Tell him to stop 20 pts
Pray he hurries up and comes and keep how awful it was to yourself. 15 pts
Now add up your scores and read the results below.
50 pts – 75 pts
One In A Milli
You’re a very relaxed partner and straightforward. You ask questions that matter, you listen, you commit fully and don’t have time for games. You’re the type of woman a guy brags about to his friends. You know your worth even before you took this cheesy quiz, however make sure you’re with a guy who doesn’t complete you, but adds to your life.
80 pts – 130 pts
Any man would be lucky to be with you, you have your moments, but you’re human. You prefer to talk about things and resolve issues, because you’re a communicator. You’re a lover and give your everything in relationships. If you ever find yourself doing all the work after you’ve expressed how you feel, he isn’t for you!
135 pts – 160 pts
You have your guard up slightly and that’s fine, trust is supposed to be earned, but loosen up a little. Don’t hold on to something if it isn’t there, you’re an amazing person so why not be with someone who’s the same? You can be influenced in your decision making, but deep down it’s your final call that matters.
165 pts – 200 pts
You don’t take any nonsense in relationships, but you forget that some of the things you do may lead to it and a bit of drama. You can be very honest about whatever situation you’re in with your partner but fail to be diplomatic at times. Try to remember the important things within a relationship without losing yourself and never forget YOU come first.
Which were you? One in a million, Eros, Tactful or perhaps Fiery? I’ll tell you mine, if you tell me yours. Tweet us! over at @SimplyOloni #SimplyOloniQuiz
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Sonya Matejko
Looks like I’m Eros with 80! This was fun – thank you.
Eros with 115… Lol