Simply Oloni’s Mingling Soirée – Review and Photos
February 6th is when Simply Oloni’s first ever event took place. At our plush venue Bar 57, in the south east of London. A night of relaxation and mingling was definitely underway at our Mingling Soiree. Drinks, chitter chatter, games and amazing give-away’s!
To our minglers who were in attendance, we would like to say a big thank you.
The aim of this event was to give beautiful ladies and gentlemen the chance the socialise and meet someone new!
With pink and red balloons pimping out the place and 90’s RnB playing, it gave the event a smooth and chilled atmosphere. The minglers were seated in a booth, which were named A, B, C, & D, games including ‘True or False’ were in play, and things really got heated when it came to our sex and relationship icebreakers and debates.
Topics such as “Does it matter when a woman makes more money than her man?”, “Does the number of men a woman sleeps with matter?” and “Once a cheater, always a cheater?”, were up for debate, mind I tell you there were many opinionated and thought-provoking ladies and gentlemen.
Like mentioned through our twitter account @SimplyOloni (make sure you’re following us), we had some amazing prizes. So congratulations to those who won all our goodies, such as the free drinks a Victoria’s Secret and DKNY give away and two tickets to the Detox comedy show!
Our first ever event was successful and meaningful to us. We understand that some of you ladies and gentlemen have your ‘squad’, but meeting NEW people who are single is a good thing, you never know what opportunities could arise *wink wink* from just networking too! If you were in attendance to our Mingling Soiree don’t hesitate to give us some feedback and whether you would love us to host another!
Check out some of the photos below!
To see the rest of the photos go to our Facebook page and make sure you press the Like button!
Photos by www.benachanaphotography.format.com