How Long Is Too Long To Wait For A Title?
Serious question: How long is too long to wait for a title?
How do you know when it’s time to move on from casual dating to being in a relationship?
What does being ‘ready’ even mean?
If I had £1 for every time I got into the ‘importance of titles’ debate with a male friend, I think I’d be able to afford the surgeon who blessed Kim K with the derriere that apparently broke the internet.. sigh, one day..
No seriously, after dating someone for what seems like a long enough period (lets say 6 months+), is it wrong to get a little worried that you haven’t progressed into something a little more serious? Of course there are things other than time that play a major part in judging the progression of your relationship such as the amount of time spent together and how open you are with one another etc. Some people take a lot longer to open up to a new person than others but, if you feel you’re past all that, how long do you wait?
Whilst watching the most recent season of Love and Hip Hop Hollywood, I nearly chocked on my jollof rice when I heard the storyline behind Hazel E and Yung Berg (Nobody has regular names these days, what every happened to Claire and John!?).
So in short, they had been seeing each other for 8 years!.. pause.
8 years she waited for a title, not a ring or a baby, nope. Just simply to be called somebody’s girlfriend.
I laughed through a heart, filled with pity, along with the rest of the twitter world but then I thought, was she really stupid for waiting that long for a man that she loved? In addition, at what point do you stop believing him when he says “I’m just not ready yet, but I want you and I’ll get there”.
Granted, Yung Berg was just an ass and 8 years is a tad foolish. However, what if the guy you’re seeing is one of the good ones and is simply not ready when you are? Would it be foolish of you to wait for him to be ready? What if you wait for how ever long, and then he realises that you’re not what he wants? What then?
It’s crazy how often this happens. In fact, I know a young lady in this situation right now. Apparently, he can’t be in a relationship during uni, but has no problem acting like he’s in a relationship, so now she’s decided to wait 2 years for him… let’s see how that pans out.
So how long is too long to wait for a title ladies? 6 months? A year? 2 years?
How do you judge who is worth the wait?
Personally, I’ve been in this situation before and waited in vain. As a result, I now suffer from wastedtimeaphobia – ‘an intense fear of having your time wasted by useless men’ (yes I made that up, but I’m sure it’s a thing).
Everybody has life goals and plans, and yes there is an element of compromise that we need to keep in mind as feelings are a funny thing; not everyone finds themselves in the same place in their lives at the same time. However, time is a precious thing. Waste your money, you’ll probably get back, but waste your time..?
There aren’t many things more frustrating for women than acting like a girlfriend, and being treated like a girlfriend, by someone who is constantly ‘not ready’ to make you his girlfriend.
I’m not going to tell you to leave if you haven’t got a title within a year, you know the pace and the depth of your relationship. Nevertheless, I will say know what you want, have your standards and limits, and stick them, lest you go down in history as ‘The girl I was just sleeping ’ .. Who really wants to be the Girlfriend Fluffer?
Or on the other side of the coin, lest you lose a good thing because you were in a rush.
So tell me.. What is the longest you would/have waited for a title and why?
Hazel E didnt wait for 8 years; she’d known him for 8 years and only recently started catching feelings.
To answer your question, almost 2 years and then we downgraded to fwbs. I say downgraded because even though it wasn’t official, it was a rather intense “relationship”… but he took too long and I honestly stopped wanting a title. The sex is great though.
And I’d never be referred to as the girl [he] was just sleeping with”, more like “the one who got away and came back for rounds”
I was seeing a guy for two years and he wasn’t ready for a relationship but he acted like we wasin one, he was always there for me when I needed him, we’d hang out freuquently and talk on the phone everyday or text. I didn’t mind though because he wasn’t just someone I was seeing he was also a very good friend but I wouldn’t wait that long again, it was very hard for me when I realised a relationship just wasn’t going to happen. We’re still good friends now