Does Seeing Him First Mean Anything?
I saw him first, therefore he’s mine. WRONG
It has come to my attention that a lot of women feel the need to claim things they do not own. Purchasing items which they have not bought, and when it is purchased the item is not used.
I was recently at a party as to where I was highly intoxicated and got chatting to a really nice guy. Till a friend said she really liked him. I decided to be a good friend and introduce the two. Nothing happened; no numbers were exchanged not even Twitter handles. I couldn’t help but think, does that make him off limits now?
Reasons why you can’t claim him:
You can’t help who you’re attracted to and if you both like him, tough. Plus who’s to say he’s attracted to either of us?
Men aren’t cars you can’t call shot gun, but if you do, do something about it. It’s pretty annoying when you like someone and you don’t make a move. Calling dibs on someone is one thing, calling dibs and not doing anything is another.
I have a friend who thinks she’s in love with a guy she works with. She’s even picked out baby names. Crazy right? Most of us are. The irony is she refuses to ask him out or even ask for his number. So instead of working out if he’s even seeing anyone or getting to know him. She bores us with stories about what he did at work.
Reason as to why you can claim him:
Of course there are limits, if you’ve spoken to this person and your friends are aware that you’re interested in that particular guy then yes you do have to back off, if not hold my drink and let me continue to flirt.