For the last couple of months one of the most seen hashtags on my Twitter timeline has been ‘#FriendZone’. This is a zone A LOT of people do not know even exist. They say guys and girls can’t be friends,
The Girlfriend Fluffer
I remember a few years ago reading an article by Julia Allison in Cosmopolitan discussing what it means to be a ‘Wife Fluffer’. Wife Fluffer, n. – The last girlfriend before the wife. The girlfriend who prepares a guy for the
Are Titles Important In Relationships?
How long do you need to move from the ‘seeing each other’ phase to being in a monogamous relationship with a title? In fact, what does ‘seeing each other’ even mean? Sleeping together? Chilling? Talking? Going out on dates?? There
Do You Stalk His Social Networks?
Relationships are complex in today’s society, especially as we have new methods to track our partner’s behaviour, which can literally make a cat curious! There are new age technologies which could make your relationship dysfunctional if you allow them to.
Situationships can be one of the most unhealthiest bonds between a man and woman. It's so unhealthy that they've had to give it a new name. You're in a 'situation', which in reality means you're not single, but you certainly
Keeping Your Friends Out Of Your Relationship
A few weeks ago, I had a follower on Twitter ask if she could call me… at 2am in the morning. I wanted to know what could have been so trivial for this to take place. I contemplated for a few minutes then decided
The 90 Days Rule
The 90 day rule must be the challenge for most men, think about it, if they know the girl they're with is making them wait 90 days before they finally hit, doesn't that just become more of a game? Yup