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My boyfriend wants to get involved in business plans I do not approve off, they are not illegal but its just in an industry I do not like. What is your advice on dealing with the situation?
30. April 2015
Tell him how you feel or make the right decisions for yourself and leave, do you want to be associated with someone who’s involved in such?
Whenever I’m taking to a guy I don’t get far. Like we never get to the stage to us being official and me being his girl, I always find something out like he has a girl or he’s still into someone else or he just a scum. I’m really trying to not let effect me dating but after a while it becomes draning. I did come to your mingling sorriee aswell. Do you think there’s something wrong with me?
30. April 2015
Not at all, you just have to keep yourself out there and continue TRYING.
My ex and I broke up as he was cheating, I’m trying to get over him but I’m finding it really hard..I’ve tried to move on and started seeing someone else but my ex messaged me saying he wants to meet up&it will probably lead to sex do you think I should go or continue seeing this other guy?
30. April 2015
What I don’t want you to do is start using the new guy as an emotional crutch if you’e thinking about returning to your ex. I don’t think you should go back to him. Guys do not change over night especially if this isn’t the first time he’s cheated, be smart about it!
I was in a bad place in my relationship and I told my friend something in confidence and she told her boyfriend. This happened a few months ago but due to this I am hesitant to tell her things now and she is suppose to be one of my best friends.. Am I over reacting? No one found out to my knowledge but it makes me angry that she told him, it was not her place. What do I do?
30. April 2015
You know what she’s like now, so you become mindful of what you tell her. It’s a shame that you can’t share private information without her running back to tell the bf, but at least now you know.
When is too soon too live with boyfriend
30. April 2015
When he’s your boyfriend I always say wait for marriage.
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