What would you say the rules are when doing fwb?
1. May 2015
I just tweeted some of them. Check my timeline. Don’t get emotionally invested, pick a guy who isn’t a good friend or even a friend for that matter. Only contact each other when it’s to have sex, when you make it all about sex, that’s all it will be.
Hi about previous question of my ex chasing me for 2 years..I have no problem letting him go tbh but do I speak to him that I don’t we’d work because of this or not? Also were meant to be going on holiday in June (stupid idea now) I’m considering changing this to go with someone else instead.. Right decision?
1. May 2015
Bad idea! Go with your friends & yes do let him know that you don’t want to continue seeing him anymore.
Ok, so I recently made a big mistake which led my bf to break up with me. I gave him space for a few days and i decided to call him. When i did i apologised for wat i did. He tells me he accepts it but doesnt think the rship can work. I kindly said my g-bye nd cut the phone. I later messaged him again, he told me that he thinks we need to have some space atm. Also he is unable to put in energy and effort in2 our rship as he main priority right nw is successfuly completin his final year and final exams and he is currently under alot of stress nd our rship will only add more. Oloni, I dont know how to feel as i love him but do i leave him n forget the rship or do i stay nd fight or give him his space??
1. May 2015
Space doesn’t seem like a bad idea, if he needs a breather and has respectfully told you the relationship can’t work after your wrong doings, let it go or just be patient. He only has 30 days left in his last year, so maybe you can both use that time to think about how you both truly feel about the relationship.
Currently talking to someone. Had sex the first time I met up with him. I feel so easy for that to happen because I know I am better than that. However, me and this guy are still sexually active (it’s been like this for 3 months). I have caught feelings from when we first had sex. I get so scared that he would randomly just lose interest in me over because of past guys. I met the guys mum, dad, nan, brothers and his friends. when we text, replies are poor. But when we are together, it’s like the best thing ever (apart from the sex). I feel like he’s my best friend. the guy hasn’t told me how he feelings, vice versa. At this point what do u think I should do? Ask him, let things flow, stop talking to him, etc. I need help.
1. May 2015
Hey darling, I really would suggest you grab 100 Questions. The book answers this in several ways as this is a VERY popular subject.
I’m starting to feel like how I felt in my last relationship and that was a disaster for me. When I communicate this to my bf he says I need to stop comparing him and stop complaining. But this is the first relationship I’ve ever wanted to fight for so what do I do? They are nothing like eachother at all, but with my current bf everytime we fight it’s a battle to make up because he’s so stubborn and he ends up making me feel like rubbish
1. May 2015
If you want to fight for it you need to communicate & talk to him about this. You also need to voice how you feel and look for new ways to settle an argument.
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