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Teach him, explain to him how you like it.. Have fun practising together. Be fun and cute with it. The longer you have him around or even in your space as a ‘friend’ the harder things will be. I know so many scenarios such as this where women find themselves returning, especially after being played with emotionally. What do you want? If it’s someone to be with sexually then you can go elsewhere. If it’s happiness, having him around wont give you that. Instead you’ll be going around in circles. Don’t do that to yourself. Well you’re ‘seeing’ him so, no. Sex before marriage does work, it just takes commitment. I know we live in a society where sex is literally plastered everywhere, but if you’re dedicated you can resist the temptation. Saying that I also believe celibacy wasn’t made for everyone, there are those who are so in touch with their sexuality and wouldn’t be able to commit to that. It all boils down to the both of you, temptation will always be out there as mentioned, even if you’re having sex 5 times a day with each other. There will always be lips, hips, thighs, breasts etc etc. Don’t forget that the whole sex before marriage tradition was obviously in the olden days and couples were usually much more younger and weren’t in a relationship for such a lengthy time such as today. If it’s worth it.. no excuse me, if she is worth it you’ll make that sacrifice. I wouldn’t recommend a break, just a day breather. After that try to discuss and figure out what the root of the problem is.
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