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Ladies, shall we have some Brunch? Come celebrate International Women’s Day March 8th. Eat, laugh and make some new girlfriends!

I was seeing this guy last year, we had sex a few times and I cut off any guys I spoke to because I caught feelings but then we stopped speaking (he told me it was because of his uni work). I recently started talking to another guy and we have had sex however the other guy has come back into the picture. I don’t know what to do because even though he hurt me by not speaking to me I really did like him and I’m just getting to know the other guy. Help me out what should I do? 18. May 2015

You’re allowing people do become priority when you’re not exclusive to any of these guys. Stop talking to the old guy, that seems like it was just sex and fun for him.

#qotd my boyfriend recently said that i need to lose weight as i have gained weight a bit,however he continues to arrange dates at restaurants that has delicious food. When i try to order healthy food or eat small portions he will say why you not eating properly sometimes i lie and say im working just to avoid eating out as i am now trying to lose weight. He also bought me weight pills, shakes, waist trainer etc. i thought this was rude as i am only a size 12 (10 top and 12 bottom) i have a bit of a belly. 17. May 2015

You’re a 10/12 which is fine. Instead of making up excuses you need to pull him up on his actions. Buying things are a bit OTT unless you asked him to. I will also make this a qotd.

Whenever I fight with my bf he ignores me for a little while, but if I ignore him or do anything that he does to me he reacts in such a way that makes me feel he’s going to do something wrong. Not sure if I’m making sense but I feel really insecure at this point. The last time this happened his “friend” made him dinner & he posted it on snapchat (female). He hardly posts on sc so the fact he went to his female friend’s house while ignoring my calls & decided to post really infuriated me. Now everytime we argue I wonder where he is & who he’s with. Is his pettiness enough reason to leave him? 17. May 2015

You both need to talk to each other… going to another woman’s house after an argument who I’m guessing you don’t t know too well is not going to make this relationship work. He is being petty, so speak to him.

My boyfriend always made out he wasn’t in contact with any of his ex’s. However recently he’s changed his tune & told me he’s very close to one of his ex’s family. He’s always round there helping the family out, & chilling with her siblings, but swears blind he doesn’t see her or talk to her. How is that even possible when he’s in her house? She recently contacted him asking him for a favour, and he met up with her. He said it isn’t a big deal but he failed to tell me & I found out through someone else. Does this sound shady to you, or am I as he said paranoid? 17. May 2015

He’s being shady as fuck. You need to sit him down and have a very lengthy discussion about how inappropriate his actions are towards you. What favour does his ex need and why can’t she ask her dad?

His ex and his ex’s family should not be his concern. It’s disrespectful towards YOUR  relationship.

I have been seeing someone for about 6 months now, but we have sex every time we meet although we don’t meet often. He’s never taken me out or offered to , he did cook for me last time I met him. We use to talk everyday but we hardly speak now as he uses uni as an excuse not to. I think he’s using me, should I have the talk of where we are heading or just leave it as I have rejected couple date offer from other guys. What do you think I should do Oloni? 17. May 2015

He’s not as interested as you are. Call it off and spend time dating others.

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