6 Signs That He’s Cheating On You
Simply Oloni’s Editor-In-Chief spoke to several different men who have cheated/currently cheating on their significant other and ex’s.
I wanted to know the signs, the causes, the traps and frankly WHY? So after speaking to over 30 guys I found the top 6 ways to tell that he’s cheating on you.
1) Fights with you for no reason
‘I would start a fight with her so I could bail out on having to spend the night.’
If your partner suddenly starts picking a fight with you for absolutely no reason. See it as a red flag for an ulterior motive. Many arguments can be settled within a matter of minutes. But if he’s choosing to switch off his phone and cancel the plans you may have had that evening, he might be trying to spend the night with his ‘side chick’ or mistress. A lot of men I spoke to admitted that creating an argument out of thin air gave them a reason to get out of situations they didn’t want to be in so they could entertain other women.
Cheeky shits.
2) Suddenly cares about his appearance
He starts making an effort and carries traits of a metrosexual god overnight. Whilst you assume he’s finally picked up on the hints you’ve dropped so casually about his wardrobe, he’s really thinking of different ways to impress a new lady. From shaving once a week to every day, trying out new colognes.. yes. In ‘How To Catch A Cheating Spouse’ by Kenneth A. McDonald he says:
‘Of course it is important to remember that there may be a good reason for your significant other to get a makeover or change their wardrobe, but it is often a sign of cheating. In fact it is such a common and well-known sign that you have to wonder what your significant other is thinking when openly making these changes.’
3) The sex is …different.
You were once at it like rabbits and had sex acrobatics could only dream of, but that suddenly stops? Chances are he’s getting it elsewhere.
Or what about if he starts trying sexual stuff out of the blue?
‘I never tried giving my wife oral pleasure. She never asked so I never bothered. I did it with my mistress and enjoyed it. When I did it to my wife, that’s when she knew something was up.’
4) You’re both unhappy
A lot of people cheat due to being unhappy in their relationship. The urge comes from trying to find something better or seeing if there is anything better, emotionally and physically. So if you’re in a relationship for the sake of social media and other shallow reasons, leave what you know has already died.
5) He forgets his own lies
Judge Judy and Mark Twain said it best when talking about those who tell lies. ‘If you tell the truth you don’t have to remember anything’. Nothing at all! Not for a cheater.
Mark, 28, another guy I interviewed, who also got caught cheating but currently on ‘fixing-things’ terms shared that he once told Bella, 25, (ex-girlfriend) that he’d be out with the guys after work one weekend. After not hearing from him for two days, she called all his friends who hadn’t seen or spoken to him after work. Mark forgot that he told Bella he’d be out when he was really shacked up with a girl he met on Instagram. When confronted he said he was visiting his grandparents forgetting the original tale.
Eh, yeah right.
Forgetting your own lies is a common factor for cheaters. They have to constantly remember two stories, fact and fiction.
6) He’s VERY protective over his phone
‘I’d change her name to a guys so my partner wouldn’t suspect anything.’
‘Switching off all the notifications for a lot of my private messaging apps helped dodge many questions from my wife.’
Theoretically, I’m supposed to start this sentence with ‘We’re all supposed to be entitled to our own privacy, blah blah blah’. Nope that’s too predictable. Cheaters do not deserve privacy. The hard part is figuring if he is that however. Study how he uses his phone, does he flinch when it rings? Does he look for excuses not to answer it? Is it constantly on silent? Is he using apps you have but hasn’t added you? Does he leave the room randomly to take a call? Has he got a 20 long letter password? (Like, what the hell are you hiding?) In this new generation of technology there are a thousand ways to cheat discreetly with the touch of a single button.
This doesn’t necessarily mean that he is guilty of infidelity, but bits and pieces of each example show that it could most likely be the case. If you do think your other half might be cheating talk to him about it or just call Joey Greco from Cheaters, I think his job is an actual guilty pleasure. Hmm.
Very interesting article I can agree with all of that.