Trend Alert | Brown Lips
Throughout the past couple years the 90s have taken over many trends and made a huge impact and brought some comebacks within fashion and beauty. One major trend that has taken over the A/W 14’ season by storm is brown lips.
5 Positive Habits That Will Help You Every Day
Gratitude Gratitude is the act of showing appreciation for and the return of kind acts. Sometimes we sit there and complain about the things we don’t have or the things we wish we have; when really we should be thinking and thankful
Dick Is In Abundance
“Dick is in abundance, and low value” … *Pause* Just take a moment to let it sink in… I came across said quote once from a female tweeter, and as the words started to process in my mind it pretty much sparked a
FaceTime Beauty Tricks
Its late and you’ve already prepped yourself for bed. Spot cream on, face shiny from moisturising and toning, lips overly greased in order for them to be soft and plump in the morning. Then you get that message: “FaceTime?” and
Shopping Trips & Fitting Room Tips
Us girls can shop and when I say “shop”, we literally walk into endless stores until we find what we are looking for. However, this can be a bit of a chore, so here I am to give you some
Private vs Secret Relationships
Relationships are suppose to be a bond between two people, who have a huge amount of feelings for each other. Some express these feelings to the WORLD and want everyone to know how happy they are, whilst others rather keep
Oloni Interviews Naomi Oni After Her Acid Attack
Oloni interviews burns survivor, Naomi Oni after her horrific attack in December 2012, where she was doused in acid on her way back from work around 11.30pm in Dagenham. This was done by her then friend Mary Konye. Naomi and
For the last couple of months one of the most seen hashtags on my Twitter timeline has been ‘#FriendZone’. This is a zone A LOT of people do not know even exist. They say guys and girls can’t be friends,
The Girlfriend Fluffer
I remember a few years ago reading an article by Julia Allison in Cosmopolitan discussing what it means to be a ‘Wife Fluffer’. Wife Fluffer, n. – The last girlfriend before the wife. The girlfriend who prepares a guy for the