12 Things You Should Stop Saying To Single People
Being single is not a curse, so why do people always talk to you as if there’s something wrong once they find out your relationship status? A lot of people ENJOY their singleness but admittedly, there are some who are ready to find ‘the one’. What they’re tired of dealing with however, is having the same old thing being said to them, time and time again. I’ve compiled a list of 12 things single people are quite frankly bored of hearing.
1) ‘Don’t worry, you’ll find someone soon.’
I don’t remember telling you I was worried, so where has this unwarranted sympathy come from?
2) ‘Enjoy being single, I miss it.’
No you bloody don’t..
3) ‘Learn to love yourself first.’
And how exactly do you know, I don’t love me some me?
4) ‘When I was your age I hadn’t met my husband yet.’
Okay, mum.
5) ‘Dating apps are crap, they’re just for people who want to have sex.’
Yes, because meeting people in real life first immediately means they want marriage.
6) ‘Have you ever thought about lowering your standards?’
7) ‘God will bring you someone.’
Thanks again mum.
8) ‘Just be yourself.’
And who was I trying to be, Beyonce?
9) ‘Aren’t you afraid of being lonely forever?’
Not till you asked…
10) ‘But you’re so amazing, how can you be single?’
How do you even answer this?
11) ‘Maybe you should stop searching, you’ll find a guy when you least expect it.’
Are you just saying stuff that sounds profound?
12) ‘What about that guy you were chatting to…
Please don’t remind me.
Could you relate to any of these or did I miss any out? Tweet me over at @Oloni with what YOU’RE tired of hearing!
Enjoyed this post? Then read 9 Things You Should Probably Stop Saying To People In Long-Term Relationships