Why Women Compete For Men
I want to touch on a topic (may overlap into more than one so watch this space) that I do not always feel is adequately explored, or perhaps, may not even be considered as a concern for many women. Perhaps due to the fact that we live in a ‘dog eat dog’ world or for a better example; ‘survival of the fittest’, it is by our nature to adapt to survive and do what we deem necessary to achieve what we want, some are more passive with it, whilst others are more aggressive. This includes the attainment of men. That particular man, who is the object of our desires, and irrespective of his situation, we MUST have him. Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t think there is anything wrong with having this attitude because I feel in life you should always cease the moment, life is too short and all that, and if you hesitate to go for what you want, you can miss out on something special. What I am concerned about is the fact that, whilst ceasing that moment, we don’t always take enough consideration in the choice we are making, and the ripple affect such a choice can make.
Women are competitive by nature, way more than we would care to admit, and it seems like when the common denominator of a man comes into play, such a competitive streak erupts almost by default. As I stated before, some women are passive, and may gracefully and respectfully bow out of the running when they come to realise that the man is already involved with another, whilst there are some women who see this as an ideal opportunity. In fact it seems to make the man that bit more desirable. Why do some women compete for a man? Why don’t they just go and find their own situation to build on?
Here I will explore two dynamics as to why women compete for men: Power & Love. Sometimes both are combined, whilst at times the motivations can be simply one of the two.
Power can solely be the driving force behind a woman’s pursuit, not even the desire for love, but just the satisfaction of capturing not just the attention but respective ‘possession’ of another woman’s man. I can only conclude that this action strokes the ego of such a game player, and through some twisted result her esteem is raised and she is satisfied. A further twist to this can be the fact that the woman may not even have a genuine interest in the man in the first place.. Isn’t that some shit? Imagine he has fallen under her and given into her incessant flirting and mind (and usually body) f*cking, as a result destroying his own relationship, only for her to show disinterest when her power goal is complete. Now, this is not relinquishing the mans gullibility, disloyalty and weakness in choosing to entertain the woman whilst in a relationship, he is clearly at fault here, but this is just to shed a little light on certain woman’s motivation.
On the flipside (if you can even call it that) to this, sometimes the woman in competition is seeking love, and bless her she just cant help that she is falling for this wonderful man who is wonderfully already in a relationship, oh… how wonderful *Sigh *. Life can be funny and cruel like that, where you just want to fall in love without complication or disrespecting somebody else’s situation, but lo and behold it’s just not set up like that. We all know that love can lead us to do some crazy things, and whilst in that haze it can make us want to convince him that he has chosen the wrong woman, and that the woman he should be with is you, because love is up for negotiation like that. Sometimes, the fact that he is involved with somebody else, just really doesn’t register on her radar because in her mind, he is hers in the making, he just doesn’t know it yet. This scenario can get really messy, and heartbreaking and is highly unadvisable although usualy beyond ones control. If you so happen to find yourself in unrequited love, obsessive pursuit in most cases always ends badly.