The New Type Of Trophy Wife
Recently on E! News it was reported that the phrase “Trophy Wife” has a new meaning. This was due to the newly wed famous couple Amal and George Clooney. Since getting married to the human rights lawyer, she has practically killed the meaning behind the term.
Kristen Houghton from the Huffington Post said:
‘The term “trophy wife” has taken on a new, more upscale meaning. Men are finding the most attractive and sexually desirable women are not brainless beauties whose sole function is to look good and stay quiet, but women who are making good money and are in positions of power (Amal Clooney). The woman who got ahead on her looks by marrying a “sugar daddy” is now being replaced by the woman who is equal to her man in earning power and career position. That’s sexy.’
Are trophy wives being replaced and if they are, why has it taken this long to get recognised? We have other famous couples such as Beyonce and Jay-Z, or Bradgelina who are great examples of power and success.
Better examples, away from the obvious?
Okay fine.
Mackenzie Bezos married the co-founder of Amazon, Jeff Bezos. What makes Mackenzie so awesome you ask? Well she has a degree from Princeton and is also a best-selling novelist who won the National Book Award for The Testing of Luther Albright.
You also have Mrs Anna Dias Griffin who is married to Kenneth C Griffin the billionaire, yes billionaire founder of the investment group Citadel. Anna received an MBA at Harvard Business school in 1997 and worked at Goldman Sachs. It get’s even better, she founded Aragon Global a $160 million hedge fund.
Women with brains have clearly always existed and not only brains. But determined and successful women who are extraordinary and gorgeous.
You’d think society would have transformed a long time ago especially with the massive impact feminism has caused. However, it is great that women are being shown examples of other women who have depth to them. It inspires many to feed their minds and be all they can, without the dependence of some rich older man. After so long, we are demonstrating that it is okay to be your boyfriend or husbands equal.
Anthropologist Dr Juan Stephen said:
‘A really strong man wants a woman who is equal to him, that is the truth of it now. A weak man wants someone that is docile and a servant to him — it is a real sign of insecurity in a man to want a brainless trophy wife. Wives can be beautiful, intelligent and have careers and opinions just as strong as their partners.’
Becoming some sort of ‘Trophy Wife” exhibit’s that it’s okay for some men to continue objectify us of some sort. We are displaying that we have nothing else to offer, but our looks alone, when that is not the case. It’s as Judge Judith Sheindlin famously says ‘Beauty fades, dumb is forever’.
I doubt an older man who is not attractive will find a great looking younger equal. Which is what most trophy wives are… younger but not as accomplished. She can find an equal in every way.