The Detox That You Need In Life
There comes a time in life where you need to have a good ol’ detox. No, I’m not talking about the juicing cleansing kind, (although those are good and super yummy) I’m talking about a mental detox, getting rid of the self-harming habits and the leeches that bring nothing to the table when it comes to your life.
So here’s a little ‘how to detox’ guide
Stop bottling up everything and express
It’s no doubt that the mind can be noisy place, but sometimes it can just get a bit too noisy. External and internal things can irritate and annoy you, but not letting it and keeping it in can cause you to feel stressed out and have a major burst out. If you’re feeling super stressed out about something or someone try jotting how you feel in a journal or on your phone, you can even brainstorm ways to tackle this problem or person.
Remember your needs before anyone else’s
Who’s guilty of people pleasing? I’ll defo put my hands up to that. If you’re a person who tends to say ‘yes’ to every single task, you could be guilty too…
But if you’re someone who tends to say yes to every task you’re given, then realise that you do have a choice, you have choice to say no if it isn’t convenient or beneficial to you. Knowing your priorities and values can also help the tendency to say ‘yes’ all the time, figure out if it’s important or not.
Comparing yourself to others
‘Stick to your own path, and don’t concern yourself with someone else’s journey. Not everyone is on the same page in life, especially in our 20’s’.
Comparing yourself to other people is definitely a toxic habit that needs to be purged out of the mind. You will never know someone’s struggle until they tell you. Instead of comparing yourself to other people, compare yourself to yourself, be a better you.
Whether it is a messy room or a messy work space, clear, clear, and clear! Although some people may be able to work in a messy environment, there are benefits to de-cluttering and getting rid of things that you don’t need or use. Things to de-clutter could be things such as clearing songs that you don’t listen to on your iTunes playlist, your wardrobe, or books that you no longer use.
Cut off pointless people
You know who I’m talking about. Pointless people, who bring you nothing but stress and drama into your life, take advantages and are probably leeches. Although if you constantly have to see that person who brings a load of BS to your life, and you find it difficult to cut them off (due to university, work or similar friends), you can also limit the amount of time you spend or see that person. Especially if they’re a negative person who just criticizes everything you do or say, don’t hesitate the grab the scissors and cut the rope.