The Contraception That’s Right For You
I hate condoms, like I really do, all sorts too, from the absolutely crappy brands to the incredibly feeling magnum, nothing beats skin on skin contact. I however live life on the edge like an idiot and do not recommend you forego condoms with someone you are not comfortable with. But then when you do find someone who you hope will not go off and catch some life changing disease or break your heart, you now have to find the right contraception.
Contraception really is like a pair of Joni jeans, you have to try lots of different ones to find that perfect one for you. Too many women I know are stuck on taking the pill because that is the one doctors offer first. The pill only works for very few women, for others it affects everything from their monthly flow to their weight but yet very few women actually go back to change it.
There are 15 types of contraception and 12 of those are primarily for women, you have 11 other options, don’t get stuck on that one. I think the only good thing about being on the contraceptive pill was that off chance to skip a month of monthlies when I wanted but that could not context with the huge breast enlargements and weight gain that I went through, or the fact that I forgot to take at least two pills every week and so was risking way too much.
I get asked about my coil (IUD) all the time because I recommend it to everybody, as it is simply the most amazing and comfortable contraception I have been on and it works for my body. Don’t be afraid to ask about other things, from the old trusty diaphragm to the very private, very amazing IUD, there is a platter of choices. None of them are actually that painful to insert or put on, they can all be stopped or taken out if you feel uncomfortable, and there is no harm in shopping around for the right fit for you.
Then there is the morning after pill, I once had a friend who told me the reason for her second abortion was the fact that she could not find the time to get to the clinic and wait for her turn simply to swallow a pill and before she knew it, her 72 hour gap had passed so she just hoped and prayed, which did no good.
I believe if you are about to have completely unprotected sex then you as a woman have the responsibility to make sure you go to the clinic at some point. And if like my friend you cannot get to the clinic in 72 hours, there is another pill, called ‘ellaOne’ which can be taken up to five days after sex, you can also ask for the IUD which will not only prevent a pregnancy but will also remain there for the future.
We live in an economy that is rapidly changing, old ways are being pushed aside for newer models and the race to the top has gotten a lot more crowded and a lot steeper, don’t lose your site because you ‘couldn’t be asked’.
I have a question about IUD. I am seriously considering it as the pill and implant made me gain so much weight! However I heard that a lot of bleeding happens with IUD? The first few months? Is this true. Also is it comfortable during sex?
Blessing Ojimadu
Hey,sorry to hear that, honestly, yes you bleed a whole lot more on the IUD, I’m on month four of having it and I have to be so careful not to leak through. I was on the pill before and my periods were so light but on this I have to be extra careful but I do hear it gets better over time. It’s only a problem if you don’t use the right sanitary towels. Boots brand do nice thick ones both for night time and day time and when money is tight lidl also do a nice pack of thick ones. And during sex I don’t feel it at all, the man might if he goes that deep but really no, it should not bring you any discomfort at all, during sex or even just normally.
thank you reading and I hope I’ve helped calm your fears. if not tweet me or ask more questions 🙂