Faking The Big O: 5 Reasons Why He Isn’t Making You Cum
Whenever the subject of faking an orgasm is brought up I get a brief fleeting thought back to that episode of Sex and The City ‘They Shoot Single People, Don’t They?’ when Miranda opted for faking orgasms with the guy
5 Women Who Confess To Why They Cheated
For the past couple of months I've been visiting universities and hosting sex and relationship debates. The first question I always start off with as a quick ice breaker is, 'Who cheats more, men or women?'. You'll always get the
6 Reasons Why You Wouldn’t Want Him To Leave His Girlfriend For You
You have found out your exclusive relationship isn’t so exclusive. So, now what? Maybe you have decided to swiftly remove yourself from the situation and get on with your life or you might feel like you are stuck in limbo
How To Tell Your Friend You Don’t Want To Listen To Her Relationship Issues Any More
Is it ever okay to tell your friend you don't want to hear about their relationship problems any more? She might not even be in a relationship with the guy, but you're still tired of hearing his name, the way
12 Things You Should Stop Saying To Single People
Being single is not a curse, so why do people always talk to you as if there's something wrong once they find out your relationship status? A lot of people ENJOY their singleness but admittedly, there are some who are
The Beginners Sex Toy Guide
Whether you have or haven’t experimented with a sex toy before, this blog post will certainly help give you an insight of things you could possibly try in the bedroom with your sexual partner. I’m a big fan of toys
5 Ways To Ruin a Relationship Before It Starts
Those feelings are all too familiar. The rapid heartbeat, the uneven breath, the hesitation and butterflies in your stomach, as you slowly approach this beautiful unidentified figure before you. In your eyes this person may be a treasure chest just
Simply Oloni Dates | Pilot Ep 1
Would you like to WIN a meal for you and a friend? All you have to do is quote tweet the video via Twitter using the hashtag #SimplyOloniDates and follow @Oloni @SimplyOloni & @VapianoUK The winner will be chosen Sunday, March 6th,
Listen To The Simply Oloni Radio Show – Ft. Tion Wayne – Ep 2
Listen to the second episode of the #SimplyOloniShow with my co-host Tony Supreme featuring our special guest, rapper Tion Wayne. We discuss expectations between people dating on Valentine's Day and talk about different ways to spice up things in the