13 Mistakes Women Make In The Bedroom During Sex
So many of us are guilty of making mistakes in the bedroom and although some of us learn from them, there are plenty who are still repeating it. I've decided to compile a list of 13 mistakes women make in
Why You Should Say No To A Consolation Ring
As if you haven’t already realised; it’s that time of the year again! An abundance of enviably beautiful couples are getting hitched in dream locations and uploading their picturesque ceremonial photos #FortheGram for the whole world to see. Your friends are
15 Signs He Doesn’t Like You Through Texting
It's so hard to read men sometimes, so hard that you can never quite tell if they're actually interested and just busy, or perhaps like you as only a friend. Texting isn't the greatest way to communicate, but it is
8 Things You Should Know Before Having A Threesome
Inviting someone else into the bedroom or joining a couple in their bedroom is always fun and exciting and dangerous but like all dangerous things there are rules to this. 1. Boundaries- If you are a couple thinking of inviting someone else
Dating Tips For The Introverted Woman
Introverts are a complex people. They are usually extremely innovative, they just really really value their alone time. People often associate introversion with shyness and reclusiveness but psychologically, there is no link. They prefer their solitude as opposed to extroverts
4 Signs You Are Timing The Title
They say all good things come to those who wait. But what if you have been patient in the past and nothing good has come from it? You have found yourself in promising almost-relationships that suddenly came to a standstill.
How To Survive A Pity Date
‘Oloni, isn’t this a blog where you’re supposed to give advice and not encourage women to go out on pity dates?’ - Well no, lol giving advice is just one of the features on this blog. Simply Oloni is an
The Hoe Stories Everyone On Twitter Was Talking About
At around 2am this morning I asked women to send me their most ‘hoeish’ escapades they’ve ever been involved in. I posted them all anonymously on my account and next thing you know I was trending for several hours on
11 Questions To Ask The Side Chick Your Boyfriend Cheated On You With
A blog post about calling the side woman? Yes. Why? Because let's face it, it happens and although I don't always encourage this move sometimes the action has to be made, because if he's cheating on you, he's probably lying