3 Ways To Use HERGASM While Having Sex In A Car
Following our recent ‘Are You A Hoe?’ quiz I’m sure we can all benefit from experimenting a little more in our sex lives whether your score was #Vanilla, #ALilDirty, #HERGASM or #TheFreak a little spontaneity to mix things up is
The ‘Are You A Hoe?’ Quiz
Take this quick and fun quiz to see how sexually explorative you are. Simply add up all the numbers under each statement that applies to you, then scroll to the bottom to get your results. We’re all guilty of doing
6 Tips To Give Him The Best Blow Job
I remember a night when I was still at university and a few of my girlfriends and I decided to watch porn. We were talking about our sexual experiences and started swapping stories about men in bed. We also wanted
10 Things Men Do or Say That Women Don’t Understand
I think men are probably amongst the most enigmatic creatures to the majority of women. Our minds are constantly run with questions like: ‘What is he thinking?’, ‘Does he really mean what he just said?’, ‘Is he serious?’, ‘Where is
The Serial Dating Mini Manual
Since the beginning of the year, the dating scene and I have become very good friends. I have always been the kind of girl that couldn't stand wasn’t particularly fond of the idea of being single, which for a long time
How To Gag Like A Porn Star
Well girls, let's be honest, porn is fantasy sex. In reality women cannot do all that is shown in those films/videos. One being deep throating. There are many women that have strong gag reflexes (we weren't all "blessed" with endless throats),