8 Sex Positive Women You Have To Follow On Instagram
The world needs more sex positivity, don’t you agree? Talking about sex as a woman without being shamed is slowly becoming more acceptable. Whether it’s discussing the ins and outs of female orgasms, relationships, sex toys, dating and sexual health
Ask Oloni – My Boyfriend Took Another Woman Out To Dinner And Posted It On Snapchat
Your favourite sex and relationship agony aunt Disclaimer: All dilemmas have been sent from real people and taken from www.simplyoloni.com/ask but answered in this feature. I have an issue with my boyfriends dishonesty about the smallest things such as where he has
The Sugar Dadddy Thread You Have To Read
Two nights ago I decided to get my infamous threads going on Twitter. You know the ones I'm talking about. The threads where I ask women to email or Direct Message me privately to share an interesting experience on a
Summer is coming an to end and one of the most popular questions I get around this time of year is how to find a boyfriend. Today I share 5 tips to help get you into the swing of dating
Can A Break In A Relationship Truly Work?
I used to think asking for a break in a relationship was so cliché and disrespectful, how could it work and what exactly did it resolve? Whenever I had asked on social media whether a break in a relationship can or
13 Crazy Places You Need To Have Sex Before You Turn 30
Let's face it we all have places we'd love to have sex to possibly tick off our bucket list.. I know I have. It could be for the thrill, the excitement or just a great story to tell an absolute
Ask Oloni – I’m Pregnant And Afraid To Let Him Know He’ll Be A Father Again
Your favourite sex and relationship agony aunt Disclaimer: All dilemmas have been sent from real people and taken from www.simplyoloni.com/ask but answered in this feature in more detail. I met someone on Twitter, we were getting to know each other, had sex
11 Questions To Ask The Side Chick Your Boyfriend Cheated On You With
A blog post about calling the side woman? Yes. Why? Because let's face it, it happens and although I don't always encourage this move sometimes the action has to be made, because if he's cheating on you, he's probably lying
Listen To The Simply Oloni Radio Show – Pilot – Ep 1
Did you miss my first radio show? Well you can catch it here! Go easy on me please, this was my first ever show with Tony Supreme. I was told it wasn't shown, but I was extremely nervous. Nervous to