5 Top Tips To Achieve The Perfect Liquid Lipstick Finish
1. Purchase a lip scrub or make your own and be sure to exfoliate your lips daily or even twice a day but defiantly before you apply a liquid lipstick because if you don't the cracks in your lips will
10 Things Men Do or Say That Women Don’t Understand
I think men are probably amongst the most enigmatic creatures to the majority of women. Our minds are constantly run with questions like: ‘What is he thinking?’, ‘Does he really mean what he just said?’, ‘Is he serious?’, ‘Where is
Red Lips For Brown Girls
For many years us brown girls have been told that we shouldn’t wear bright colours, including red. But we have gone against all the BS and started to explore different colours. Even though the nude lip is the thing for
Chapped Lips Be Gone!
The winter breeze is creeping in very fast and the first thing it is destined to hit is the lips. Chapped lips are not the nicest or hottest thing to look at, in fact this is the season when you