8 Reasons Why He’s Breadcrumbing You
Situationships, ghosting, the girlfriend fluffer and now breadcrumbing.. It might sound like new words are being used daily to create different scenarios in relationships, but they’ve always been there, there just wasn’t a word to explain what was going on. Breadcrumbing
When to Finally Have Sex With The Guy You’re Dating
Sex with a new guy you’ve just started dating can be a bit of a slippery slope. There’s usually a fear that women face, the fear of potentially losing our power once laying bare with him. Will he call again?
Ask Oloni: “My Boyfriend Spent New Years With Another Woman, After I Asked To Spend It With Him”
Your favourite sex and relationship agony aunt All dilemmas have been sent from real people and taken from www.simplyoloni.com/ask but answered in this feature Hi Oloni. I’ve been with my boyfriend for 5 months. I’m the first girl he’s properly dated he’s
Ask Oloni: “My Boyfriend Has Herpes, But I’ve Chosen To Stay”
Your favourite sex and relationship agony aunt All dilemmas have been sent from real people and taken from www.simplyoloni.com/ask but answered in this feature Hey girl, please how do you protect yourself from a partner that has herpes. I’ve chosen to stay
16 Ways To Tell That Your ‘Potential Boyfriend’ Will Never Become Your Official Boyfriend
He’s introduced you to the family, his friends and spends every other day with you, but exactly why hasn’t the guy you’ve been dating for 3 months not made it official yet? Well, it’s because he’s part of the ‘go with
5 Tips For Having The Best Phone Sex Ever
I’ve spoken to a lot of my friends both women and men in the past only to find out they’re not entirely sure how to confidently have phone sex, ‘What do I say?’ ‘Isn’t that weird?’ - No, it really
8 Things You Should Know Before Having A Threesome
Inviting someone else into the bedroom or joining a couple in their bedroom is always fun and exciting and dangerous but like all dangerous things there are rules to this. 1. Boundaries- If you are a couple thinking of inviting someone else
11 Questions To Ask The Side Chick Your Boyfriend Cheated On You With
A blog post about calling the side woman? Yes. Why? Because let's face it, it happens and although I don't always encourage this move sometimes the action has to be made, because if he's cheating on you, he's probably lying
6 Reasons Why You Wouldn’t Want Him To Leave His Girlfriend For You
You have found out your exclusive relationship isn’t so exclusive. So, now what? Maybe you have decided to swiftly remove yourself from the situation and get on with your life or you might feel like you are stuck in limbo