5 Tips For Having The Best Phone Sex Ever
I’ve spoken to a lot of my friends both women and men in the past only to find out they’re not entirely sure how to confidently have phone sex, ‘What do I say?’ ‘Isn’t that weird?’ - No, it really
3 Ways To Use HERGASM While Having Sex In A Car
Following our recent ‘Are You A Hoe?’ quiz I’m sure we can all benefit from experimenting a little more in our sex lives whether your score was #Vanilla, #ALilDirty, #HERGASM or #TheFreak a little spontaneity to mix things up is
13 Mistakes Women Make In The Bedroom During Sex
So many of us are guilty of making mistakes in the bedroom and although some of us learn from them, there are plenty who are still repeating it. I've decided to compile a list of 13 mistakes women make in