#AskOloni My Boyfriend And My Natural Hair
Me, Him, Her and Her. 'Hi Oloni, I’ve been in an on and off relationship with this guy for about 4 years now. We now have a baby together. However he has other children with other women. We try and stay
6 Habits For A Healthy Relationship
I do not know about you, but it has now become my sole intention to avoid a relationship plagued with toxicity, heartache and consistent tears on my pillow. Whilst conflict is a natural part of every relationship and I am not
Where To Meet Mr Right
Most of the questions that are sent to me via Ask Oloni are usually to do with a woman who has never had a boyfriend or dated. The girl who has grown up and seen her friends fall in and
The Wife Me Phase
I’ve been meaning to write this blog for such a long time only because I feel like so many young women go through a phase when wanting a boyfriend. The ‘Wife Me’ phase. The phase of changing themselves to fit
Can I Have Sex With Him After Her?
Fighting over dick has got to be one of the most known and oldest cause of a fall out between two girlfriends. We may think that it isn't, but in reality we all know two women who have stopped communicating